Read My Lips
Choreographed by: Kelvin Elvidge, Westland MI, Aug. '98 email:

Description: 32 count, 4 wall line dance dance

Are You Jimmy Ray (Radio Edit) - Jimmy Ray (Start on vocal) (slow teach) (99 BPM)
I Read Lips* - Thomas Wade and Wayward (Start on vocal) (108 BPM)
There's a Song in there Somewhere - Thomas Wade and Wayward (112 BPM) For Thomas Wade CD or info call 1-905-632-0317
Where's the Love - Hanson (Start on vocal) (116 BPM)
I'm Gonna Make Her Mine** - Jason McCoy (Start on vocal) (133 BPM)

Counts Step Descriptions
Touch Right Forward, To Side, Jump Change Touch Left To Left Side, Touch Left Back Diagonal
1,2 Touch right toe forward, touch right toe to right side
& Jump right together taking weight on the right foot
3,4 Touch left toe to left side, touch left toe back on left diagonal
Hip Roll CCW making ¼ Turn Left, Touch Right, Romp Step
1,2 Roll hips counter-clockwise turning ¼ turn to the left placing weight on left, touch right together
&3&4 Step back on right foot, touch left heel forward, step down on left foot, touch right beside left
Kick Right Foot Twice, Right Coaster Step, Kick Left Foot Twice, Left Coaster Step
1,2 Kick right foot forward twice
3&4 Step back on right foot, step left foot together, step forward on right foot
5,6 Kick left foot forward twice
7&8 Step back on left foot, step right foot together, step forward on left
Turning Shuffle Jazzbox, ¼ Turn Right, Vine Left and Shuffle
1,2 Cross step right foot over left, step back on left foot
3&4 Step right foot to right making a ¼ turn right, step left together, step right together
5,6 Step left foot to left side turning ¼ to right, step right foot behind left
7&8 Step left foot to left side, step right foot together, step left foot together
Right Cross Kicks, Right Sailor Step, Left Cross Kicks, Left Sailor Steps
1,2 Kick right foot over left, kick right to right side
3&4 Step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, step right foot to right side
5,6 Kick left foot over right, kick left to left side
7&8 Step left foot behind right, step right foot to right, step left foot to left
Repeat from the top
* When using the song "I Read Lips", to make the dance fit the music phrase, after the completion of the first wall, stop and hold for 2 counts and continue from count 1 of the dance. You only do this once, at the end of the first wall after the first 32 counts of the dance

** OPTIONAL When using the song "I'm Gonna Make Her Mine", dance ends half way through the 13th wall as follows
13 Kick left forward
14&15 Step left foot back, step right together, step left forward



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