Where It's At! - Funky Version
Choreographed by: Kelvin Elvidge, Westland MI, email kelvinmich@hotmail.com

Description: 32 count, 4 wall, Advanced Beginner line dance

What Do You Say To That - George Strait (Start on Vocal) 92 BPM
No Mercy - Ty Herndon (Start on Vocal) 94 BPM
Been There - Clint Black & Steve Wariner (Start on Vocal) 94 BPM
I'm Diggin' It - Alecia Elliot (Start on vocals of 1st verse) 97 BPM
Jimmy's Got a Girlfriend - The Wilkinsons (Start on vocals) 100 BPM
I'll Go Crazy - Andy Griggs (Start on vocals) 111 BPM
This dance is simply a "jazzed up" version of my dance "Where It's At!". It shows SOME of the possible variations that can be done to the dance. There are other variations besides the ones listed here so feel free to try things on your own.
Counts Step Descriptions
Syncopated Rock Right Forward, Back, Forward, Back
1& Rock forward on the right foot, recover with weight on left
2& Rock back on right foot, recover with weight on left foot
3& Rock forward on the right foot, recover with weight on left
4& Rock back on right foot, recover with weight on left foot
Vine Right 2, Syncopated Weave Right
1,2 Step right foot to right side, cross step left foot behind right
&3 Step right foot to right, cross step left foot over right
&4& Step right foot to right, cross step left foot behind right, step right foot to right
Syncopated Rock Left Forward, Back, Forward, Back
1& Rock forward on the left foot, recover with weight on right
2& Rock back on left foot, recover with weight on right foot
3& Rock forward on the left foot, recover with weight on right
4& Rock back on left foot, recover with weight on right foot
Vine Left 2, Syncopated Weave Left
1,2 Step left foot to left side, cross step right foot behind left
&3 Step left foot to left, cross step right foot over left
&4& Step left foot to left, cross step right foot behind left, step left foot to left
Rock Right Forward and Back (push hips into it), Hitch Right, Step Right, Left, Right, Left
1,2 Rock forward right pushing hips forward, recover on left foot
&3& Hitch right leg, step forward right, step forward left
4& Step forward right, step forward left
Right Toe Touches Forward, Side, Half Turn Shuffle
1,2 Touch right toes forward, touch right toes to right side
3&4 Step right 1/4 to right, step left together, step right 1/4 right
Left Toe Touches Forward, Side, Half Turn Shuffle
1,2 Touch left toes forward, touch left toes to left side
3&4 Step left foot 1/4 to left, step right foot together, step left foot 1/4 left
Cross Step Right Over Left, Back Left, Jump Apart, Hitch Turn, Jump Apart, Hitch Right
1,2 Cross step right foot over left, step back on left foot
3& Jump feet apart, pivot 1/4 on left foot hitching right
4& Jump feet apart, step on left hitching right
Repeat from the start and have fun.



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