Where It's At!
Choreographed by: Kelvin Elvidge, Westland MI, email kelvinmich@hotmail.com

Description: 32 count, 4 wall, Beginner line dance

What a Wonderful World - Kenny G / Louis Armstrong (Start on Vocal) (slow)
What Do You Say To That - George Strait (Start on Vocal) 92 BPM
No Mercy - Ty Herndon (Start on Vocal) 94 BPM
Been There - Clint Black & Steve Wariner (Start on Vocal) 94 BPM
I'm Diggin' It - Alecia Elliot (Start on vocals of 1st verse) 97 BPM
Jimmy's Got a Girlfriend - The Wilkinsons (Start on vocals) 100 BPM
This dance allows for lots of room for the more experience dancers to add some great variations, while the beginners can work on style and presentation at a slow to medium speed song.
Counts Step Descriptions
Rock Right Forward and Back, Vine Right with Shuffle
1,2 Rock forward on the right foot, recover with weight on left
3,4 Rock back on right foot, recover with weight on left foot
5,6 Step right foot to right side, cross step left foot behind right
7&8 Step right foot to right, step left together, step right together
Rock Left Forward and Back, Vine Left with Shuffle
1,2 Rock forward on left foot, recover with weight on right foot
3,4 Rock back on left foot, recover with weight on right foot
5,6 Step left foot to left side, cross step right foot behind left
7&8 Step left foot to left side, step right foot together, step left foot together
Step Right Forward, Hold, Step Left Together, Step Forward Right, Step Forward Left
1,2 Step forward on the right foot, hold
&3,4 Step left foot together, step forward on right, step forward on left
Right Toe Touches Forward, Side, Shuffle in Place (Optional Sailor Step)
1,2 Touch right toes forward, touch right toes to right side
3&4 Step right to right, left together, right together (Option here step right behind left, step left to left, step right to right)
Left Toe Touches Forward, Side, Shuffle in Place (Optional Sailor Step)
1,2 Touch left toes forward, touch left toes to left side
3&4 Step left foot to left, step right foot together, step foot together (Option here step left behind right, step right to right, step left to left)
Turning Jazz Box
1,2 Cross step right foot over left, step back on left foot
3,4 Step right foot to right turning ¼ to right, step left foot together
Repeat from the start and have fun trying some variations to go with the songs. If you would like some possible variations, take a look at Where It's At!! - Funky Version located on my web site.



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