Acro ID: Dukem59

Name: Dan

From: NY

Email Address: hepner@superior.net

Hello acrophobiacs....Ö¿Ö....yes im another addicted acro nut , never thought i'd like this game but you dont have to be good to play, ,just have fun thats all that counts.plus im also addicted to mplayer,thats where i usually am if im not in acro,i use the same name there as well,enough of that already more about me i guess i hope im not boring you.well im married and have 3 teenagers luv the outdoors very competive well i try to be like to bowl,camp,hunt , play horse shoes ,ride horses,motorcycles,and most of all my friends on the net im usually helping someone its what i enjoy doing people have helped me so im returning the favor ,well take care everyone hope to see you in acrophobia or mplayer ....Ö¿Ö..ô¿ô...Dukem59