Welcome to *Purple Glitter* Look around..there *will* be tons of stuff to see. I will always be adding new stuff. So check back aight? And I am always lookin for sister sites and stuff so if u r interested in that email me @ PrincessDrusilla@yahoo.com or if u just have any general comments about my site then give me an email. BTW- if I took an image or midi from ur site and you'd like me to remove it simply ask me and I will.

OkAy PeePs..BeFoRe Ya Go On, I gOtTa FiLl Ya In On SuMtHiN. mY NaMeZ hArMoNy AnD i'M 13 fRoM mAsSaChUsEttS. oH aNd I NiCk CaRtEr BuT nOt As MuCh As YoU mAtT! tHeRe HaPpY?..OkAy..Go On NoW..

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Tina the Troubled Teen

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I <3 the internet!