recieved poems
***By clicking on any of the arrows or where it says 'click here' you will be sent to another one of my pages, with more poems by myself and others! You may even find one of your own : - )!!***
famous poetry
Ok here's the deal. I love writing poetry and songs, but I also love people so I wanted to create a page for people who love poetry! This page is for you to explore and contribute to, feel free to send me your thoughts and/or poems. I will post everything I recieve every Saturday.
You may reach me by clicking on the GURLMAIL logo. This will send an e-mail right to me! As you read above I am looking forward to recieving all your e-mails so keep 'em comin'
My dear will you ever know
the joy you have brought me?
And the heat I feel from this light's glow
is yours and perfectly pure

You've taught me life
and I've taught you live
together we're perfect
or so I think

Please tell me if I'm wrong
show me how to be right
Don't walk away
Like I'm a lost cause

I've loved you so long
delighting in your company
And to be cast aside
Hurts more than than if you my love, were to die

To be cast aside is to be loved no more
and to die is romantic
and you may still be sure
that there is love and always will be

So tell me dear
where did I go off the path
How can I get back on?
Will you help me?
Do you want to?
I'm ready
I love you
