Abexx Associates


Marina Kracilnikova
Sevastopol, Ukraine
Seeks Man 45~55

Number:            A116
Status:               Divorced
Age:                   39
Seeks:                Man 40~55
D.O.B.               July 7. 1968
Height:              165/ 5"4"
Weight:              55/121
Hair:                  Brunette
Eyes:                  Blue
Education:         College
Profession:         Programmer
Religion:            Orthodox
Languages:         English 3/ Russian Fluent
Habits:               Does Not Smoke, Only Drinks Socially
Children:            I have no children, I leave the possibility open

Essay:                 I believe in God and visit the church.  I am faithful, loving and sensitive to other people.  I enjoy a home life and domestic chores.  Animals are a part of my life.  I have a Thai Cat.  I like classical music and belong to a classical choral. I would like to be married and if possible have a child.  I reguarly attend shaping classes.  My future man would be faithful caring and believe in God. He must be capable of love and marriage.                 

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Including  translation of three letters
to and from Marina.  After that it's up to you.

My Comment:  Jim Key

Marina is always very presentable.  I find her shy and hope my wife isn't reading this; quite beautiful.  I absolutely positively know she is extremely honest and commited to an ethical way of life.  This lady is a gem for the right man!

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Email Me Now Free!
Including  translation of three letters
to and from Marina.  After that it's up to you.