All the graphics on this page and all theones linked to it were created by me that includes the BG in this room if they are seen anywhere else they wre taken off this page, if you would like some graphic work done for you please ask me....... HINT HINT DO NOT RIGHT CLICK ON THIS PAGE..=)


Welcome to the mega mall, please sign in on the message board on the bottom and leave me your thoughts and ideas on the page I can also be Emailed at, and I hope you add the page to your favorites, and come back often =)....... ..THE MEGA ROOMS ARE DOWN BELOW YOU HAVE TO SCROLL DOWN........The link to my paint shop follows the mega shops........As of 9/20/99 I have made the room smaller and fixed links now to add new rooms =) OK new info as of October, me and my sis are building a paint room with progz and with tubes fonts and such Ill be adding the link to it soon for now if im not at Dream of the Dolphin locate xX-ll-FatE-ll-Xx....
til my links are added here or ----FuNn----

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These are the Shops, try Robert Lyn and space along with Bgs for great backrounds

/user/femalelinksmfunn.jpg /user/brbssmlink.jpg

This is feral, perhaps you have seen him around in VP, the page following this, contains megaz he created, if you know him, then youll understand..
If not well goodluck

Click on his pic to enter Ferals world

If you have any ideas for a new catogorie for Megaz please email me at if theres a certain thing you are looking for to be a mega please email me there also.
