All About Me

This is me!

About me:

Name: William Aaron Grandy aka Pud, Ches Rockwell, Noel, Grundy, Larry

Age: 22

Birthday: January 21,1980

Occupation: Student at Memorial Unversity of Newfoundland. Graduated with a degree in Biochemical Nutrition in April, 2002. Currently working on my honours thesis.

Ambitions: I hope to go on to Medical school.

Location: I live in Topsail and attended Queen Elizabeth Regional High School.

Sports: I enjoy hockey, tennis, soccer, and skiing.

Music: I enjoy almost all forms of music except country and dance.

Auther: My favorite is George R. R. Martin who writes the best selling series A Song of Fire and Ice.

T.V. show: My favorites are Friends, Survivor, Angel, and Boston Public.

Misc.: I love Screech (duh!), getting on the go with good friends, nights at the fort, campfires, fireworks, breasts, Emilio Estevez (love the name), Shooter McGavin, Marty McFly, the hypothalamus, nachos, jellyfish, kelp, seaweed pie, snow, snow carved into the shape of a giant cock (hilarious!), funny jokes, fleece shirts, subway, rollercoasters, sunny beaches, girls on sunny beaches, Bryan's mom, Archie, OLP, Guns N' Roses, Bon Jovi, Adam Sandler, big muscles (yeah, yeah thats me!!), and a good night's sleep after a long night downtown!

I hate guys who drink wine koolers (pussys), hangovers, being sick, studying, having exams, people who think they are too good for everyone, Sookyn Lee, girls with 80's hairstyles, having to shave, when the herb trail gets too long then having to do some herb gardening, hot days at MUN, being made "stronger", leaving my mug at someone elses house, getting burnt by girls, not getting any action on your birthday, getting herpes (joking!), black olives, pickles on subs, waiting in line and then not getting in, the sound the plastic on cds make when you take it off (oh it makes me shiver just thinking about it), and the stupid songs that cell phones make when they ring!!
