I thought that this was a really good idea at the time. Until I started
building this web page and wanted to find some source data for The Flag
so that I might at least appear to know what I was talking about. After
inquiring on several IRC BDSM channels without success, I resorted to a
web search engine. The search was very fruitful in it's own way. There
were several gay/lesbian pages that carry this symbol but I didn't find any
more 'straight' sites that showed the Leather Pride Flag.

The following writing was found on The Conversio Virium page, and clears
up several questions about the source and meaning of The Flag.
   The Leather Pride Flag was designed by Tony
DeBlase and was first displayed at the 1989 Mr.
Leather Contest in Chicago. It was quickly adopted as
a symbol for practitioners of SM, leather fetishists,
and by extension any proud aficionado of BDSM or
related practices.
   DeBlase intends for each of us to interpret the shapes and colors of the
Flag as we wish. Here is one interpretation: According to Stacey, Ms.
National Leather Association International 1996, the red heart stands for
the love we feel, and the white stripe is for purity (she did not explain what
she meant by purity, but my interpretation is that it is the purity we attain
when we express that love in an open, honest and consensual way). Black is
for leather, and blue is for denim, two materials commonly worn (and
eroticized) in our community. Conversio Virium proudly waves the
Leather Pride Flag at its events and on these pages to symbolize its
dedication to the struggle: freedom of sexual expression for all. 

    Source: geocities.com/southbeach/surf/1126

               ( geocities.com/southbeach/surf)                   ( geocities.com/southbeach)