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4-13-99    added a special page for all my friends on the net.

3-28-99     For all you big time wrestling fans (like me) I added a wrestling page full of links to great wrestling sites. For latest news, rumers,pics and other stuff. also added a banner section

3-16-99     my  about me page has been updated....

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Hello and welcome to my site. There is some stuff about me and some cool links for kids and also for you parents. This is my third attempt of making a web page. I like this one a lot, I seem to be getting better, well to me that is :) You will find my most deepest thought in this page how I feel towards my family, friends and the one's I love. So please take the time and look around I put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into it. And please sign the guest book I would really like to know who you are, and email you back to thank you and even come to see your site and take a look at it, and sign yours.  Well thanks for your time and please come back and spend some time with me. Your friend, ~Rattle$nake~ (don't let the name scare ya) :)


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