Welcome to my home page!

Watch for things appearing here (or not).

I thought it would be easier to put up a web site. Putting up a simple page is easy, but making a good page (let alone a good site) takes thought, time, and effort. I have yet to find much time to spare.

By the way, I haven't added any color, font or background styles to these pages yet, so anything you see are your browser's defaults. The only styles I have added should center the headers and keep the text from being covered by the host site's popup ads. (Note 10-22-2004: the host site now has wider ads, so I've changed the style sheet to compensate.)

Here is what I have so far.

Some pages about my favorite collectable card games:

A list of game manufacturers.

A list of game retailers.

A page of interesting music / sound sites.

A page of online game sites where I like to play.

A page of online comics sites I like to visit.

A page about cellular automata.

A page of interesting language sites.

A page about Javascript.

A page of miscellaneous things on the web that caught my attention.

A page with a flash file that I created.

This site was last modified February 19th, 2009.
It still needs ideas and time to work on them (but what doesn't?).
(Until then, it's mostly pretty much just a big bookmark site.)