- 09/26/00 14:55:23
My URL:http://www.monochamp.com
My Email:tomma@netvigator.com
How did you find me?: search engine
Did you find what you were looking for?: yes
Did you find my site interesting?: very interesting
Was my site helpful?: yes

I find from your site, www.freegiftclub.net that offer gift of exceptional value, thank you very much

joy - 05/18/00 18:58:29
My Email:sharpclaws@excite.com
How did you find me?: through an excite search for free cards
Did you find what you were looking for?: yes
Did you find my site interesting?: yes
Was my site helpful?: very much so
Is there something I should add to my site?: don't htink so

thank you for your valuable page it helped me find a card site that i really liked but couldn't remember the name of

Phil - 03/04/00 04:15:30
My URL:http://piptahoe.com
My Email:philr@thetahoe.net
How did you find me?: A friend sent me a card from your website
Did you find what you were looking for?: just checkin' you out
Did you find my site interesting?: definately well done
Was my site helpful?: sure! borrowed a couple of fonts
Is there something I should add to my site?: like it just as it is--Thanks.


robert - 02/29/00 20:17:09
My Email:robsfun1@aol.com
How did you find me?: i forgot
Did you find what you were looking for?: yes and more
Did you find my site interesting?: very much so
Was my site helpful?: greatly
Is there something I should add to my site?: your doing great

i love all the differnt sites and links i will have fun here thank you

Rhonda Pigford - 02/19/00 05:49:18
My Email:pigheaven@searchalot.com
How did you find me?: just looking around
Did you find what you were looking for?: yes
Did you find my site interesting?: very
Was my site helpful?: yes
Is there something I should add to my site?: no

I just started on the internet so everything is exciting to me. Thank you for showing me some of the really cool stuff. Rhonda

orbiterus - 02/15/00 08:59:01
My Email:orbiter@mac.com
How did you find me?: in my mail
Did you find what you were looking for?: wow,....
Did you find my site interesting?: ya
Was my site helpful?: thx
Is there something I should add to my site?: anything u want

happy valentines day ;-) and thanks from all of us in colorado/\/\***/\/\

Cyndy - 01/15/00 02:02:26
My Email:Cyndysota
How did you find me?: referred by family
Did you find what you were looking for?: still searching
Did you find my site interesting?: so far
Was my site helpful?: so far


angie - 01/03/00 19:05:11
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/cowlovergirl/angies.htm
My Email:cowlovergirl22@yahoo.com
Did you find what you were looking for?: yep
Did you find my site interesting?: yep
Was my site helpful?: yep

hey there. great page as always. I stop by every week to bookmark your free stuff :) Have you heard bout greenfieldonline? icq me and i will tell you more. Mick won $1000.00 from there..

cowlovergirl22 - 12/15/99 02:19:25
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/cowlovergirl/angies.htm
My Email:cowlovergirl22@yahoo.com
Did you find my site interesting?: yeppers
Was my site helpful?: yeppers

hey as always your page is great. i have passed the fruitcake page on to a lot of icq friends :) thanks for passing on my snowballfight as well as all the useful stuff you always email me :) talk to you soon..

Maureen - 12/13/99 07:28:45
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/~blondy35
My Email:blondy34@excite.com
How did you find me?: typed in the address
Did you find what you were looking for?: yep
Did you find my site interesting?: yep
Was my site helpful?: sure
Is there something I should add to my site?: I'm sure there is ...

Just me checking out my Geocities Guestbook

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