My Little Bottle of Champagne

Last Updated: Wednesday, August 12, 1998

Wuz up I'm Champagne. Welcome to My Little Bottle of Champagne. Feel free to grab a glass and get as much as you like. I live in Tallahassee, FL and I love to hear from people from all over the country. Right now I don't really have a lot of things here, but check out what I already have. If anyone has any tips for me to improve any aspect of my homepage feel free to leave them in my guestbook or email me. Don't forget to sign my guestbook before you leave.


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Silkk The Shocker

ICQ #: 1899258

People have visited my site since February 3, 1998

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If you would like to contact me by AOL Instant Messenger my screen name is Lady Pagne.

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