Briman's Bio

It's Briman!...Yeah. There he is.

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Nick Name: Briman
Other Nicknames: MXer, RoAdKiLL
E-Mail Address:
Age: 28
Sex: Crossdresser...heh
Favorite Channels in IRCNet: #Sega, #Ringo
Hello,I made it. A little bout myself. I like to ride motorcycles alot. I'm going racing motocross in 1999 (I know I'll probably kill myself). Anyways as you know our family owns/operates a campground. It's alot of fun...(especially beach patroling on weekends). I have 2 boys that I have joint custody of. They mean everything to me and they always come first. Likes...being bad on IRC (cause I cant do it in real life)..:P Dislikes....people that might be book smart but have no common sense (did the hamster fall off the wheel up there buddy??) My ex-wife..(We still dont get along after 3 years apart) and last but not least Country music...well thats a little about me if you need to know more just ask me..:) I'm almost always willing to answer any questions you might have.