It's Time To Ask Dr. D'

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Mrs. Dooker - Renaissance Pup

Dr. D' In One of Her Natural Habitats
(an easy chair!)

ps Dr. D' has agreed that she will, ion occasion, answer questions submitted by one of her many admirers. a If you are in urgent need of questionable advice and would like to ask a question of Dr. D'... a If you feel a word of wisdom guided by Dr. D's clinical acumen will be the only way you can break free of this all consuming problem... a Then please forward it to her at a If Dr. D' feels that she will be able to guide you in your quest for understanding, for closure, for happiness (and a squirrel or two might be nice), she will answer your question RIGHT HERE on this very web page. a If she does not answer your question here, one of a few things might have happened:

1. Either she was so overwhelmed by your problem that she needed a vacation and went scuba diving in the Cayman Islands;

2. She is still rolling on the floor laughing at how lame you are for having such a stupid question;
3. She is napping (something she does exceptionally well);
4. She is out hunting critters (something she does all the time with not much success);
5. She was so traumatized by your problem she decided to reenter psychoanalysis and is currently on the couch herself;

OR .................................

6. She just doesn't care!


This question was submitted by

Dear Dr. D'.
      I have a problem. It is a big one too. Actually, it is two big ones. It is my ears. They are very big. VERY VERY big. Everyone makes fun of me. Even my mother. What should I do?

Dr. D' Responds:

Lucy, Lucy, Lucy.     Lucy, Lucy, Lucy!
       What can I say? I know from your problems. But with me it is not big ears. With me it is stubby legs. Everyone makes fun of my stubby legs. Even though I am supposed to have stubby legs everyone makes fun of them. Do what I do. Bite them! Wait! Are you human? If so, biting might not be such a good idea. Biting should be reserved for any critters who have the nerve to invade MY property.... Hmmmmmmmmm. (that's shrink talk you know). Hmmmmmmmmm. I don't seem to be able to ..... Now I Have it! It's your mother's fault! It was your mother than gave you the gene for big ears. Go and rank on her. That's it! PHEW! I forgot for a moment what I learned in shrink school. It is always the mother's fault! Always! (That's why I was spayed - to keep it from being my fault...). Go bite your mother. (She is related and will forgive you - Just remember not to bite other humans). There. Now don't you feel better.



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