January '99 Bulletin

"Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of the wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain." -- John 12:24

..Crossing over the river of Jordan into the promise land..

        For the last couple of months, the Church has been preparing herself through much prayer and fasting on Mondays and Wednesdays nights for the move of God and the direction of the Holy Spirit for the Church as well as the Fellowship Churches in this nation. Seeking to be sensitive and obedient to His perfect will that we may enter into His plans for 1999. Since then, we already have seen and heard many great breakthroughs and witnesses awesome visitations of the presence of God in our services.

        On top of that, we experienced an extra boost of the Holy Ghost in the Church Camp in Gentings where almost 130 people determining in their hearts to seek God and have unreserved, personal communion with the Almighty Father. Men and women came down from Genting, refreshed, rebaptized with fire, truly excited and strengthened in their spirit, having a wonderful and glorious experience "face to face" with the Lord Father. Many testified that they had a wonderful encounter with the awesome love and presence of God touching their lives in such a personal way which they had never experienced before.

"There are many plans in a man's heart, nevertheless the Lord's counsel -- that will stand." -- Proverbs 19:21

        Truly God is God and He is Lord of all. The ways and plans of men do not govern Him. Even in the holiday season, God filled the church during our Christmas Eve Evangelistic Night with souls - unsaved families and friends. The Church was literally packed where many disciples have to give up their seats for these visitors. Indeed it was not of the work of men but the work of the Living God who has drawn these people into His House. We believed God had touched and spoken to many people that night. For if God took the trouble to draw them in, He would not allow His word to be sown in vain but would ensure that His word would accomplish what He has sent forth it to do.

        As we made the decision as a body and as individuals to commit our lives and the direction of this Church, we believe for the great outbreak of revivals for 1999. We look to God's mighty and perfect will to be accomplished in this Church and in the lives of His saints as we are willing to obey and will obey at all cost to see it all come to pass.