This site will be re launching soon! I did have another website but since the company is no longer in operation. Therefore to save losing data again I think the safest spot to have a personal website is on this site. So soon I will be re launching this site as my personal website, so expect changes to be made over time. I am not sure what will change but in saying a re launch I mean this website will be updated with updated information about me! I doubt a redesign will be on the cards for a while but at least you will be able to come here and check my updated details, as it's changed heaps over the years. It's sad but this site was last updated in 2002. So many years ago! So stay tuned for more, by viewing this site you may see changes being made, some links may not work but they will be fixed within time. There is no need to contact me to tell me! Unless you notice the site has not been updated in a while than maybe I do not know about it! Well have fun viewing, enough said for now :)
