Hello everyone!!!!!
Welcome to my page. Mostly it's about me and the people surrounding me. I have a lot of friends so bare with me as I try to put all of them and their pics up. This is my first page with Geocities, and although it is easier than angelfire I still am having difficulties cus I am SO blonde when it comes to computers. For now I will close this welcoming letter. Thanks again for comming, and I hope you enjoy your stay.

To see a page just click on the banner and it will automatically take you there! (don't you just love technology!?)

A little about one of my older brothers and one of my younger brothers. It has pics!!!

A shout out to all my Friends without pics!

These are my Girl friends that are soooo cool. They all have pics too. I don't get along with many chicks online but these are the ones I do!

My hot guy friends with pics, they are all sweet, those are the only kind there is!

Kinda self explanitory lol

This is a page of some of my favorite quotes, actually theres a lot and it changes every once in a while so I should have a great collection soon :o).