"CyberLife is a registered trademark and the CyberLife, Creatures Lab, Creatures and
Creatures 2 logos are trademarks of CyberLife Technology Ltd in the United Kingdom and
other countries. CyberLife, Digital DNA, Creatures, Albia, and Norn are also trademarks
of CyberLife Technology Ltd which may be registered in other countries."


Further Copyrighted by Celeste and Friends March of 1999 ©.
Celeste gives advanced permission for use of HER cobs and graphics.
These materials may NOT be placed on another web page without
acknowledgement of its original author (Celeste). Pieces of text may be used
to describe cobs, because it is often necessary to give a detailed description.
However,using excerpts of text for any other purpose and without prior permission
is strictly prohibited and will result in a certified letter to the offenders
current ISP and /or Web Service Provider and charges of plagiarism.