Welcome to my Guestbook!

Paul Rudnicki - 10/04/00 02:13:51
My Email:abeltr1@ntplx.net

I think you are a very special person, and I'm looking forward to becoming the best of friends with you. God Bless you ,love in christ Paul

David Lee - 02/02/00 03:02:18
My Email:david.lee@ti.com

I pop into your URL by chance. Its provide a new flavour to "Personal WEBpage design" with neat and very direct expressions to describe of yourself. My regards on a good piece of work.

Antonyo - 10/26/99 07:52:12
My Email:cacique@tld.net

Le Felicito! Su pagina esta bien ordenada y ha sido creada con buen gusto. Lo que mas me impresiono y de hecho me motivo a brindarle estas palabras, fue la sinceridad y honestidad con que usted se expresa. Le invito a que comparta una amena charla con est servidor de Dios y vuestro. Puede contactarme en el ICQ numero 46734515 o enviarme su sentir a mi e-mail personal. Le exhorto a que siga adelante con los proyectos que se ha propuesto y que no cambie su forma de ser. Atentamente, Antonyo

- 08/19/99 02:01:18


John Villa - 08/16/99 00:25:39
My Email:Duni@webtv.net

Nothing left to the imagination. A more complete picture could not have been painted. Impressed with your detailed description. sounds like a wonderful and loving family. May all your dreams come true, and may the good Lord keep you as sweet as you are. Peace and Christian love. John

kim - 08/11/99 20:47:47
My URL:http://www.kiml.net
My Email:kim@kiml.net

hello..you have a great page. I like all the graphics and things you did..keep up the good work. :) plz visit my site if you'd like. thx kim

Joe Alampi - 08/08/99 02:59:20
My Email:dogbertt@rochester.rr.com

Just want to say what a wonderful and sincere woman you are. I really liked our chat and I'm lucky to have met you.

Anthony Margarit - 08/07/99 22:27:11
My Email:goju@hotmail.com

Very well done web page. What can Isay, your writings are beautiful. A great site to share. Anthony.

07/23/99 09:30:11
Name: Girls of ICQ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook

- 06/27/99 05:51:55


Penny - 06/14/99 00:27:34
My URL:http://oocities.com/Heartland/Fields/8401/
My Email:bibber97@hotmail.com


Michael - 05/31/99 01:25:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ne/savedbygrace/index.html

Wow. That's a really nice web page. Very tasteful. Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take care.

Vicki - 05/13/99 04:47:08
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/TrickyVicki/
My Email:lovemykidz@hotmail.com

Hi there! Nice webpage! You sound like a wonderful gal. Good luck in finding the man of your dreams! Psalm 37:4!!! I know it will happen for you!

Jenny - 05/05/99 04:53:23
My Email:Jewelean@mailexcite.com

Hi Auntie, I enjoyed visiting youre website and Im glad that you made the changes that I suggessted. I didnt mind at all. I also like the background music. I only wish youre computer would play it. Well I love you and see you soon.

Mack - 05/02/99 17:26:28
My Email:mack92490@yahoo.com

This is nice.By His stripes we are healed. Hopefully we will meet soon.Praise His Holy Name.

mark_schoeller - 04/30/99 01:55:17

great site!

colin alec - 04/18/99 16:31:47
My Email:eagleeye@mail.ocis.net

well i would like to say that i'm very pleased with your home page, and would love to chat with. I'm a canadain Indian, dark, hansom and very well gromed person. And would love to open a door for you,because that is the way i was raised. hope to here from you soon. colin(eagleeye) alec

Robert - 04/18/99 03:26:48
My Email:kc7tfl@webtv.net

like your web site it is very tastful.

Bob Todd - 04/16/99 05:19:25
My URL:http://doors.cybertrails.com/~btodd/resume3.html
My Email:btodd@cybertrails.com

Eva... the best thing about your page is what you say. Excellent!!

Cindy Jaramillo - 04/15/99 16:45:35
My Email:cjaramillo_bass@yahoo.com

I need to get my web page done, but you need to add some personal photos of yourself and your family. Yes, you do have a pretty smile. I'll have to send you some photos of myself and my kids. They might not be too recent, but It will give you an idea o what I look like.. Sincerely, Cindy Jaramillo cjaramillo_bass@yahoo.com

Debbie Sommers - 04/14/99 14:51:05
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Garden/7134/index.html
My Email:sdsommers@yahoo.com

Hello! Duane gave me your address to come look. Wow, he's Good! He helped me out alot with our Homepage. He's a GREAT person, although Im sure you already know that :0) Take care, and I hope to hear back from you. I adore your background! You sound l ke such a sweet lady.. bye! Come see us at our Homepage, and welcome to Geocities (we're new here too..)

Irene Lano - 04/14/99 12:25:48
My Email:irene.lano@cbn.org

Eva, Tu website esta bonito!

PENNY - 04/14/99 11:19:48
My URL:http://oocities.com/Heartland/Fields/8401/
My Email:bibber97@hotmail.com

HEY Great start. Can hardly wait to see more.

Loretta Champagne - 04/14/99 02:34:35
My URL:http://undenieblesstudio.romance.webjump.com

Very nice...Cant wait to see the finished product!...

Duane Bailey - 04/14/99 02:18:42
My URL:http://www.freemall.com/bailey/
My Email:dkbailey@earthlink.net

I love being the first one in a guestbook :o) your page is

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