This is Sten.  He lives next door to me.  He is waving "Hi!"  Everyone say "Hi Sten!"

This is Carrie.  She lives below me.  She hates cameras.

This is Alan.  He lives on the other side of me. He is pointing to his brain.

This is Nick , my old RA.  He plays trumpet in the marching band with me!

This is Chris.  He is a trombone player and a pretty damn good pool player too.  I WILL BEAT YOU SOMEDAY!



This is Lucas with hair. We got bored one night and now he has no hair, GO FIGURE! 

This is Walid, my room mate, with one of his many ladies. Walid is the pimp daddy of the third floor.

This is Justin and Meg.  Justin lives with Sten.  Aren't they so cute together?

This is Greg.  WITHOUT THE GOATEE!!!

Sten and Kelly are having a staredown.  I think Sten won this one.  Sten is 6'4", and Kelly is obviously not.

A long shot of our hallway.  It's not pink anymore!! DIE PINK WALLS, DIE!!

This is a self shot of yours truly.  I think it is about 3 a.m. and I have nothing better to do than sit at my desk and take a picture of myself!!

This is a shot of my dorm room.  It is SOMEWHAT clean in this photo.  SOMEWHAT means you can walk in it.  Don't ask what dirty means!

This is what was outside of my window a few months ago.  They were laying new wires and pipes.  I loved it when that machine started at 6 a.m.!!!

This is my puppy Spiegel.  My girlfriend says we are alike, cute but stupid.  Maybe she's right.  I LOVE YOU SANDY!!!



This is my best friend from home, Jody (a.k.a. Pimp Daddy Platt or PDP) at the Christmas Formal.

This is my friend Suzanne and I at the Christmas Formal.