Here are some of the comments my guests have made.

No name - 11/24/00 00:43:51

I am a 26 year old male. Of course, I cannot relate to what you guys are talking about since I cannot have a period, but I wish I could have a period and cramps. I love this site. Keep it up.

Gladys Kravitz - 09/03/00 22:03:46

When I was younger, my period would knock me off my feet. I would regularly lose a whole day a month. I have been a Parking officer now for 12 years. When I first came on the force, an older matronly type, since retired, took me aside + told me how to eat the fatigue being on your feet all day brings. Quite simple actually. Get a top quality long leg girdle + wear support stockings with it every day. I thought she was crazy. The weariness wore me down, so I tried it. Best idea I ever listened to. Weariness not a factor, no problems with my period. I thank Martha every month.

Maria - 06/14/00 21:50:08

I first got cramps about a year after my period started. I was on vacation with my family in England. I woke up one morning with my period which had never bothered me, and we went out on the Underground (Subway.)Soon after getting on the train I had these bad stomach pains and didn't know what they were. My mom came to my rescue with Tylenol and tea in a cafe when we got off. After a bit I felt better for the rest of the day, but the next morning, the pain came on worse. This time it took a couple of hours for the Tylenol to work, and I was having chills and sweating, but I eventually felt better. For the next year or so, I took Tylenol whenever I started feeling crampy. However, it soon stopped working and I would be in constatnt pain for days. I was then ntroduced to ibuprofen which got me through most of high school but then also stopped working, at which time I saw my dr. and tried several prescriptions. It helps a bit but I still have an incredible amount of pain and discomfort (passing out, throwing u , diarrhea, trembling, exhaustion but too uncomfortable to sleep.) What are the worse places to be when cramps come on that I have experienced? The beach Singing lesson Job interview Horseback riding First dinner with boyfriend's parents Close friend's wedding Co-ed slumber party

Christy Love - 04/20/00 19:55:12

Damn these cramps are kicking my ass and I'm in such a bad mood! Why me? Just had to get that off my chest...thanks

christin - 04/17/00 12:26:30


lisa - 04/05/00 14:56:54

This site is great... I am suffering from cramps at the moment UGHhh

- 03/23/00 16:54:54


- 03/18/00 21:39:45

Kewl Website!!!!

- 02/27/00 12:08:38


Bailey - 02/26/00 19:22:46

I love your site...i am 18 years old and have had my period since i was 12 1/2. The worst place to have your period for the first time is at a sleep away camp--away from your parents and around people you have only known for less than a week. It's bad, ut i lived through it. Dr. Greene's daughter on ER got her period for the first time just afew episodes ago. And on Something So Right, the youngest girl got her period when only her step-father was around. email me, i'd love to talk.

tricia b - 02/19/00 06:16:56


Courtney - 02/14/00 03:53:22

HI. I'm 15. I've had my period since I was 11. I get the worst cramps out of all my friends. I get such a horrible pain. I feel cold, sweaty, I barf, I've turned very pale and I feel like I'm going to faint. My mom say's I sound like I'm in labor. I usual y always have to miss some school because I simply can't function. I envy my friends who haven't gotten their period yet. Your site was very cute! I usually have to take 3 motrin or IB profrin every 3 hours. advil, tylonal(sp?) and all those others just d n't work!!! I'M SICK OF IT!!!! well...anyways....I liked your site...very cute! Bye

Marie - 01/20/00 13:40:58
My Email:not telling

well..its actually a pretty good page..BUT i came here to seak information about how to make cramps better, and sure, there were a lot of solutions, but i tried all those, and they dont work for me. I dont know what im trying to say...

- 01/19/00 00:30:17


Melissa - 12/14/99 22:07:54

Hello, I love you site. The older pictures were cool. My period is really heavy and I'm only 17. At first I thought it was great because it was so light but now it's ok. After I have kids I'm getting my uterus taken out. I loved reading everyone's feeling about this subject. Thank U

- 11/19/99 04:40:31


Nicola - 11/02/99 23:52:41

I really like your site. I filled in the questionaire. I get period pain really bad and it sux .Antiinflammatories work best for me. Over the counter painkillers don't do much good, but I must try Ibuprofen more.

- 10/14/99 02:08:03


dodo - 10/04/99 18:32:46

Great site! It almost makes me feel better just reading your webpage. I love the old ad pix. My personal treatment is "Female Toner" tea and the deliberate avoidance of anything I can avoid doing -- just curl up with a fuzzy blanket and a book as much s possible! A few yoga moves like supported backbends help too, though most of my yoga routine I can't do during heavy days. Favorite cultural reference is Ani diFranco's song "Blood in the Boardroom," in which she sits in an awful all-male-except-for-her meeting at a record company & bleeds all over their white chair.

queen roo - 08/25/99 12:59:08

thankyou so much for creating this web page! i am 13 years old and have had my period since i was 9. all my other friends either don't have it or don't have the kind of pains i experience. now there's finally somewhere i can go to get relief and realize i m not the only one! i know this must sound corny as hell but --- thank you thank you thank you! :-)goddess bless

Karen - 08/15/99 22:42:08

Of course there is Carrie There was an episode of Family where the youngest girl was complaining about not having it yet. Then of course like everone else when she gets it she complains

- 08/15/99 02:11:11


08/04/99 09:19:23
Name: Girls of ICQ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nizzawebsite. Dank für das Lassen ich Ihr guestbook unterzeichnen

jennifer Smith - 07/05/99 01:07:46

I have something to add to the list of places not good to be when you have cramps. Work..for me it is being a checker and having to stand on my feet in the same spot for 8 hours and check people out since it is at Wal-Mart Supercenter it stays busy and pe ple are always buying a ton of stuff to check out.

jennifer smith - 07/05/99 01:02:27

I know of many books that mention girls getting their periods and having cramps, PMS, etc. Many Judy Blume books, the ones for younger girls as well as a few of the ones for adults. I have read all of her books and I love them. As for televison, there is he one where Claudia on Party of Five gets her first period and also Darlene on Roseanne and Rudy on the Cosby show these were all great episodes.

Laura - 05/22/99 21:14:38

Hey, I love your page. Great job, and keep up the good work. Cramps suck, don't they?

Amanda - 04/10/99 16:45:02
My URL:http:/

I love this page I totally relate

Kate Scott - 04/05/99 17:51:38

Heh, I've got my period as we speak. Not fun at all =( but, to this list of un-fun places, add "a concert". Not just a concert that you watch, when you perform. I had plenty of trouble playong the flute through that, lemme tell ya. At one concert that I d d not perform in, but watched, I had cramps, but they weren't so bad that night, o it wasn't so bad.

ashley - 12/23/98 03:46:50

cool page!

Geof - 12/20/98 17:29:49
My Email:peregrine68@hotmail

Dear Karen, Having discovered your pages through "Nobium", of Bianca's Menstrual Flow Forum, I must say that I think you are doing a service to womenkind by focussing on this issue. I shall be delighted forthwith to draw the attention of four of my current lady frien s and that of two others via their husbands on the Net to your site, where an exchange of experiences and views should prove invaluable to all your readers - and even perhaps to your good self. Geof

Rachel - 12/19/98 12:09:31

'K Intro first, I'm a 14 y/o girl and I first came on about a year ago. I remember in 3rd Grade asking one of my friends what they were taking aspirin for. They replied "For period pain" kinda surprised. It wasn't my fault I hadn't started. I didn't start late as such, I was 13, but all my friends had started when they were bout 11. I was convinced there was sumthing wrong with me, but my friends just said I was lucky. I luv my period, without it I couldn't skip PE, get out of school, have an excuse for been bitchy sumtimes or even not have boys feel sorry for me. I dunno how I would live without it !!! My period doesn't really bother me, it is very light (a mini tampon on the heaviest day) and usually only lasts for 4 days at a time. I get sum pain on the first day, (not really bad enough to skip PE, but who knows how I feel) but I don't have to bother about it any other time. I have heard it will get worse as I get ol er, but I'm not really that bothered, I think I can cope. This doesn't stop periods been embarrasing. I remember one of my friends had a pad in her bag and this boy found it and said "Is this sum chocolate, I'm hungry !!!" He then un-wrapped this pad, held it up and said "suddenly I'm not so hungry any more". A l the boys died laughing and all the girls stood looking embaressed. When I think about it it's funny, but it wasn't then. There have been loads of other little "scenes" but most of them were really quite funny really. I luv periods and I don't know how I'd manage without them helping me get out of tight situations (and PE) ~*Rachel*~ P.S Luv the site !!!

- 12/02/98 15:35:36

some info: When Steffi Graf lost to Sanchaz many years ago (when she was 17?) she complained about having her period.

Lauren - 11/08/98 23:04:51

Hi, I think your page is wonderful. There definitely should be more like it! I got to it through a link to the pain questionnaire link on The Red Spot. Keep up the good work and continue to be a pioneer! Please check out: Wild Witch Washables Menstrual Pads

09/29/98 01:01:30
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

bgyrl80 - 08/28/98 20:34:48

I am in the process of starting my own menstrual site. It should be ready in about a week. Anyway, I greatly enjoyed your page. There should be more like it, that is why I am making one. If anyone wants to discuss menstruation or has any questions, feel f ee to e-mail me.

JohnC - 08/21/98 10:05:28

So, I am man, 19 year old. I have oposite opinion. I am interest in menses, i know its unussualy, but i am not alone. There are a few peoples like me. So, If you want, we can make a discus about your hated topics, if you want. But I am not very good for english language, so..... if, mail me. JohnC

- 08/20/98 18:35:08


Karen - 07/20/98 17:09:24

This is a test to see if this works.

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