Heather's Spirit Page

Below are some cheers I used to support my team, the Fantasy Fighters when I was in the Site Fights.

Fight, fighters, fight!
Power on to the best site!
Fight on to victory,
and fame forever more. More, More, More!
Proudly we cheer,
as we march, to the goal!
Hooray for fighters,
strong and bold,
All hail the Fantasy Fighters!

Go! Go go! Go Fantasy Fighters!
Go! Go go go go, go go go go go go go!

We're number 1!

Be aggressive, oh be agressive!

Fantasy Fighters make you cheer!
Fantasy Fighters make you shout!
Fantasy Fighters make you cheer so,
You check us out, oh you check us out!

We will, we will rock you!

Victory that's right!
Hey let's fight!

DFantasy, DFantasy
She's our gal.
If she can't do it,
No one knows how.

DFantasy, DFantasy
She supports us every day.
Do you know of any other team
That does it that way?

DFantasy, DFantasy
She has the power.
Let's post a cheer
each and every hour!

Why are you so blue?
Is it because you're number 2?
We're number 1!
Go! Fight! Win! Kill!

We are the Fantasy Fighters,
No one could be prouder,
If you don't believe us,
We'll shout a little louder!


Site Fights Awards

Received on 10-8-97 & 11-3-97

Received for team spirit for week of 10-11-97

Received for team spirit for week of 10-18-97 and 10-25-97

Received on 10-26-97

Received on 10-25-97

Received on 11-20-97

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