Click your 'info' button (on your keyboard) to see something cool!!

Click on the ball to jump to that part of the page!

Your browser capabilities THE NEWEST AWARD!!
Goddess's New Webring! Your Goddess's birthday! 04/19
Your Goddess makes a career move Place your vote
Has your Goddess gone corperate? Clear your cache!!! (webtv friendly)
Hottest IRC in the world!! Submit your IRC to the list!
Webmasters, WIN an award for your site! Goddess's angels
Reality Check!! The whole site...

Webmasters MAKE MONEY!!! NOW... 20 cents a click... for a free service!! JUST CLICK HERE NOW!

••• Click Here to find out EVERYTHING, (and I do mean everything) that your browser can do, and TONS of info you didn't know existed about your browser!! Truly Amazing!!

APPLY NOW for your Goddess's Newest award. This is given out for decoration in your email/email signature! As long as you've got an email that's pleasing to the eye, you could be a winner!!!

New page!!! Check out one of the newest pages... your Goddess's 'Reality Check!' Definately one you and your friends will laugh about for a long time!!!

Click here to check out ALL of the major pages on this site!

Join the *NEW* webring!! The Extreme Goddess Webring!
Generate TONS of traffic to your website!
I didn't think webrings could drive so many people to the webring members, but they do!!!
Submit your site now!

If you're looking for the internet "hot spot", you're here!! Look no further! I'll send updates to the ones who keep on the lists, or in touch with me.

Your Goddess's Recently Had Her 21st Birthday!! (April 19th) Woohooo! Find out how you can send her a FREE card! Also check out the (under construction) birthday party online!

I am also 'broadening' my career options. If you're an owner, or are affiliated with recruting employees, you might be interested in my resumι .
No "get rich quick" or "pyramid" job offers necissary
I'm NOT in the least interested in a job which requires me to recrute people, who recrute other people.... etc etc. Please do not waste my, and your time with these offers.

On to the good stuff...

I'm moving the site to a domain, very soon. As long as you're in the guestbook, or on the mailing list, you'll contintue to recieve updates. If not, please sign up now while you still can!

Now now now, don't fret... nothing too serious. Your Goddess is going to relocate THIS VERY SITE to it's own domain, so I can provide all my 'Angels of Pleasure' with the support, links, sources, and all the cool stuff you acually want to see! Don't worry about your bookmarks just yet, because for an extended period, I'll have a link from this URL to the new one... whatever it may be...ugh.
So far it looks like is winning by a LONGSHOT to say the least! If you don't like it vote now!
I'll keep ya updated as things happen, but I'd like to accomplish all of this VERY soon, so send your ideas to:

•••DON'T MISS!!! My updated and fully working cache clearer so your hard-drive wont be full anymore!!

••• Goddess's Updated Hot IRC chat THE HOTTEST Irc there is!!! Think I would lie to you??? Never! lol. It's lookin good! Come check it out!! I defenately recommend looking at this (webtv users). This Irc, by itself, is worth coming to the whole site... lol. I'll occasionally be adding new pop-ups, and goodies to it too, but it's fully loaded as it is now! 8¬ώ

•••Submit your irc
...or even just your favorite irc to my "Irc Heaven" . So far I've got a variety of awesome irc's on the list... more and more every day. I've personally checked out every irc on there, and being the "chat connisseur" that I am, you know they're all the best.

°°° My angels
...have finally been credited!! Check out the page dedicated to the 'angels' that put in the extra effort, and time working on their website to be honored with the "Guardian Angel" award for excellence in website design. These are all sites that I personally saw, and thought were outstanding! Come see for yourself! If you have a site, or know of a site that deserves to be awarded for the effort spent on it, click here. There's a tiny little form, where I think you have to answer (maybe at the most) 4 questions. I'm almost positive that you don't have to type more than 1 word per question, so take about 10 seconds and apply for my award!
A new award to come soon, so keep checking!!