Okay, here is a picture of my VERY nice (and old) doggy!! *S*
She is 10 years old, and she will turn 11 on February 19th. She is pretty fat (no offense) but she is as sweet as a pumpkin pie!!!
She is mostly a black lab, but she is part doberman pintcher (did I spell that right??), and her ears are 2 different kinds- one doberman and one black lab. It's really cute to see!!!
She has soft brown eyes, and pretty "bad" fur. We brush her fur often, but she LOVES to roll in the dirt and mud, so it is ALWAYS dirty... Oh well!! *S*
Now, let's see, she loves to be petted on her head, and under her belly. She has a ferocious bark to all who come to the door, but, when they comes in, she loves them to death! She loves to eat people food (we shouldn't feed her that sort of stuff, but my brother and mother always do) and she literally inhales her food!!! *laugh*

Now, I have 4 pics of her (so far) so be sure to look at them all. The description is at the top of the picture... *S* Enjoy!

Ahhhh... This is her newest picture. My mom caught this pic just before she wandered away and out of view of the camera... *he he* Anyways- my cat, Azure, was in the picture, too, but she looked kind of stupid, so I "removed her"... *laugh* Well, here it is!

Anyways, her is a picture of her on the beach. We had to build her a fort to provide her some shade because it was SSOO hot outside... Sorry- the picture is blurry!!

Okay, here is a picture of her eyes. I know that the rest of the picture is CRAPPY, and the eyes are "greenish", but these are her eyes, and they are SSOO important!! *S*

Okay, this is a picture of her and my grandma. I put this pic in because it shows some of Becky's face, and her teeth (eekk!!)

That's it for the pics of Becky, for now!! Will work on the blurriness- sorry!!! *S*