
Diamond Gemology

Diamonds are the hardest natural substance known to man and by far the most revered. They are formed at very high temperatures (5000oC) and pressures deep within the earth. Diamonds are at the top of the Mohs' hardness scale thus receiving the number 10 as a measure of their hardness. Between this and the next hardest natural substance, namely corundum (ruby and sapphire), there is a wide gap, the difference in hardness between diamond and corundum being far greater than that which exists between corundum and talc, the softest of all minerals.

Only about 20% of all stones mined are suitable for jewelry use, the rest being used in industrial situations. The largest rough gem Diamond ever found is the Cullinan weighing in at 3,106 carats found in 1905. Diamond takes its name from the Greek word adamas meaning the "hardest steel" or "invincible."

MOHS HARDNESS: 10 Though hard, diamonds can be chipped.

CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: C Essentially pure crystallized carbon with only minor traces of impurities.

REFRACTIVE INDEX: N=2.417 Isotropic, index very constant. The angle light is bent when traveling through a gemstone.

DENSITY (SPECIFIC GRAVITY): 3.515 The number of times heavier a gemstone is compared to water.

PRINCIPAL SOURCES: Africa, India, Russia, Australia, Brazil, and USA.

Diamond Lore (not necessarily true)

Diamonds promote the development of competence and the feelings of mastery over situations external to yourself. It enables you to see ways to handle a situation you desire to master. The Diamond, April's birthstone, is a stone that is best used in conjunction with other stones. It is the magnifier of the other stones, and is particularly helpful when used with an emerald and an amethyst. In her book Stone Power, Dorothee L. Mella tells us that, "there are many legends that diamonds were supposed to have mystical powers to ward off any dangers because of their brilliance, and to protect their wearers from bad dreams."

The following lines from a translation of the celebrated Orphic poem, written in the second century, show the high esteem in which the adamas , which is the Greek's name for the diamond, was held at that time:

No Evil Eye shall have the power to harm

Him that shall wear the diamond as a charm,

No monarch shall attempt to thwart his will,

And e'en the gods his wishes shall fulfill.


The Value of A Diamond

A diamond is judged by four distinct factors that combine to arrive at its value. These are called the 4C's.

#1: Carat Weight

As with all precious stones, the weight of a diamond is expressed in carats. The word carat originated in a natural unit of weight: the seeds of the carob tree. Diamonds were traditionally weighed against these seeds until the system was standardized and one carat was fixed at 0.2 grams (one fifth of a gram). One carat is divided into 100 "points" so that a diamond of 25 points is described as quarter of a carat or 0.25 carats.

#2: Clarity

Almost all diamonds contain minute traces ofr non-crystallized carbon or small non-diamond crystals. Most are not discernible to the naked eye and require magnification to become visible. Called inclusions, they are nature's finger print and make every diamond unique. However, the fewer there are, the rarer and more brilliantr the stone will be.

#3: Color

Although the majority of gem diamonds appear to be colorless to the untrained eye, most actually contain tinges of yellow and brown. Truly colorless diamonds, those in the D-E-F range, are truly rare, particularly in the higher clarities.

#4: Cut

Of all the 4C's, cut is the one most directly influenced by humans. The other three are dictated by nature. The cut or make of a diamond will dramatically influence its fire and sparkle, for it is the polisher's skill that releases its beauty. It is the cut that enables a diamond to make the best use of light.

How a Diamond Handles Light:

It is the cut that enables a diamond to make the best use of light. When a diamond is cut to good proportions, light is reflected from one facet to another and then dispersed through the crown or the top of the stone.

If the cut of the diamond is too deep, some light escapes through the opposite side of the pavilion or bottom.

If the cut is too shallow, light escapes through-out the pavilion or bottom before it can be reflected.

Of all the 4C's, cut is the one most directly influenced by humans. The other three are dictated by nature. The cut or make of a diamond will dramatically influence its fire and sparkle, for it is the polisher's skill that releases its beauty.

Are Humans Like Diamonds?

In many ways we are much like diamonds. We too, like diamonds, come in many shapes, sizes and colors.

When we are born, we are like the diamond in it's original form: charcoal. And God is like the expert gemologist and polisher. As we go through life, our experiences shape and mold us. The more we are hit and cut by lifes experiences, successes, and tragedies; the more we change. We can allow these changes to make us bitter, or proud, and we can stay dull and ordinary. Or, we can choose to allow God to polish us, through these changes and experiences. The more we allow God to work in our lives, the more He polishes us up, so that we can relect and refract His light.

We all have what we consider to be our flaws, be they little or big. But, depending on the way we are cut, these flaws can be ugly, or they can enhance our beauty and value. How will you allow the master jeweler to cut and shape you? Will you allow Him to bring out your beauty?

In God's eyes, we are all one of a kind, and precious in His sight. John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life." You only need to believe, repent, and invite Jesus into your heart, to have the assurance of eternal salvation.

Life is not always easy. But, if we would only place our trust in God, He will continue to lead and direct us, and shine through us.

If at first you don't succeed, you're running about average...Remember a diamond is nothing but a peice of coal that stuck to the job!


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