You are visitor # Since January 7, 1996, 7:42 PM Pacific standard time

Welcome! Sit down, I guess either you got here by accident or on purpose I hope it was on purpose, but even if it isnt, check it out!!!!! LETS PARTY! I have two sections, my personal page, and a school page, If you attend C.K. Price Middle school, please, click HERE

  • If you would like to send comments, suggestions or just want to talk e-mail me
  • My e mail address is: thank you, please enjoy the page!

    Nothin much right now, just a few Pics, and some links


  • A picture of me
  • (I am 14/M/California/Blonde/Blue)

  • Another pic of me
  • An animated water pic, by me
  • Like doom?
  • This one iz okay
  • And now my links section

  • A bunch of animated pics
  • My band's page, Psyfe
  • Get Paint Shop Pro here
  • Green Day
  • Blues Traveler
  • Metallica
  • Smashing Pumpkins
  • Chats I hang at

  • KeepTalking
  • SEMO
  • Alamak
  • Mortal Kombat!

  • Fake Pics
  • More fake pics
  • A kewl page!

  • My buddy Nirv's page!
  • My dad's page, telecaster HEAVEN man!
  • Thanks for visiting my page! Come back soon!

    Mail me: