German Symbol

Strategies for Germany

Germany has the advantage of having the strongest army on the board. However, the Axis powers cannot compete economically with the Allies. Therefore, Germany must take over enough territory to catch up to the Allies in terms of economic strength. There are two strategies in which Germany can acheive this. They are listed below:

All out attack against Russia

This strategy will work if you can get decent rolls. It involves mounting an all out offensive against Russia. In this strategy, Germany continues to attack Russia until it captures the capital. It can then turn its complete attention towards the U.K. and the U.S. In the first round, Germany should purchase 4 tanks and 4 men. It should recapture any territory taken by Russia. However, if Kariela looks as if it can be taken, then Germany should go for Kariela. Every other round, Germany should continue attacking Russia until the capitol falls. However, don't leave Western Europe open or else Germany will have the Allies breathing down their front door!

Go after Africa

This is another successful strategy that Germany can use. It might take a little longer to implement, but the risk are lessened by taking this approach. On the first turn, you must buy an Aircraft Carrier to protect your navy in the Med. Or, you can forget the Carrier and conquer Egypt, then build an Industrial Complex. However, you must make sure that you never lose that complex to the Allies or else your fate is sealed! In this strategy, you take a defensive approach to Russia. Any attack made by Russia is countered. You will be able to hold off because your economic power is greater than the Russians. Meanwhile, you send troops into Africa. You can start the first round by taking over West Africa with the infantry. Biltz through that country below Libera with the tank and move into Egypt with the tank and the man. You can also add a fighter, as well as a tank or 2 men from southern Europe, but you must make sure you have enough power to destroy that submarine. Also, destroy the British transports in the U.K. and any other ships that you can. In the later rounds, you keep bringing in troops to Africa via transport or Industrial Complex. In about 3- 5 rounds, Africa will be yours. Once you take control of Africa, you can just bring infantry for defensive support and move your offensive troops up through the middle east and attack Russia from the south and the west. By now, Japan will be coming in from Asia and Russia will be easy pickings!

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