Favorite Photo's

Me & 2 of my best buds.  Michelle, Amanda and Me.  Watch your hand Amanda!

My babies, Chacha and Husband Takayuki, sleeping.  Don't tell him I took this photo, much less put it on the internet!


My Lil' cousin Brittanie & I in Leavenworth, a Bavarian style town.  But, we came out with Aussie gear.  Go figure.

This is probably my favorite picture of myself.  My teeth look white.


Taki talking on the phone.  The only chance I get to hear him speak Japanese.

A bunch of weird ladies I work with, but don't hang out with.  I swear.  Really.  I don't.

My best friend Angela, hiding behind her baby Kyra

Here's Angela!  Excited because she got a gift from me.  Obviously the best gift she got.

A bunch of my friends: Michelle, Amanda, Liz, Amy and Raelene.  They're all models and I know them!


My good friend Charissa, who's also a model.  I know her, too.

Chacha, Me, my good bud Mike.  We were having a camera frenzy that day.

My handsome brother, Sean, 3/4 of Mike's face on the left.  Here were at a Japanese restaurant in L.A.
