Webmaster Information

Website has moved

NEW LOCATION: http://www.eeldersite.com/naval/index.html

Yahoo will be closing GeoCities October 26, 2009. I will close this site location on October 23. New location is at: http://www.eeldersite.com/naval/index.html. It is unfortunate that Yahoo has decided to close GeoCities. I have been with Geocities for 12 years.

Permission by me is required before placing any images from my website on another website or published format.

For about 15 years I have been collecting world naval warship postcards. I have approximately 2000 postcards. The postcards are mainly pre-1945. The warships are from all over the world, predominantly the United States, Great Britain, France, and Germany. I also own some postcard views of the more famous warships of the 20th Century such as the Bismarck and Emden. Most of the warships in my collection are from the Pre-Dreadnought era (late 1800s to 1906).

I have have access to data on each warship in my collection, from a variety of secondary sources on names, countries, types, classes, dates (laid down, launched, completed or commissioned), maximum recorded speeds, armaments (on completion), crews, displacements (normal/loaded), histories, etc. I have not put this information on my web site because each warships stats would make this site too large and boring. Feel free to request this information or a postcard scan via email for a ship in my collection. You can find which warships I have by checking out my "Postcard Collection" section. If the ship is not in my collection...I'm sorry but I do not have the time to do the research. I am also currently not selling any of my postcards from my collection, but someday plan on putting some up on ebay.

This site is intended to introduce you to naval postcard collecting and naval warship history. Included as well are some information on myself and my other hobbies.

I hope you enjoy browsing through my site.

Site Updates Naval Postcard Collectors Dating Naval Postcards Naval/Postcard Questions My Research Sources Some Naval Trivia Naval Postcard Listing Naval Postcard Publishers Naval Postcard Features Web Master Information Link

Site Menu

  1. Postcard Collection Listing
  2. Links
  3. My Research Sources
  4. Dating Naval Postcards
  5. Some Naval Trivia
  6. Postcard Publishers
  7. Naval Postcard Features
  8. Naval/Postcard Questions
  9. WWW Naval Postcard Collector List
  10. Webmaster Information
  11. Site Updates

Things to come:
more postcards added to my postcard lists
new postcard features (ie. battles)
wargaming page updates

This site was last worked on: October 12, 2009

Thank you for dropping by.

Any comments about this Web Page are welcome by me, Eric Elder.
To Comment: Click Here

This web site was established in January 1997.