Hello and welcome to my little corner on the net...
I hope you enjoy your visit...

Let me tell you a little bit about myself...
I'm 48 years old and live in Eastern Iowa,
along the Mighty Mississippi.

I work in the accounting department of an
Engineering firm....been there 23 years now.

I have two great kids...

My oldest son, Randy and his wife Christy
have made me a grandmother of a precious little
girl named Katelyn and a beautiful little boy
named Nolan.

My younget son, Chad, has completed his four
years as a US Marine and lives in town as well.

I'm very proud of my boys and have really enjoyed
watching them grow into the fine young adults
that they are today.

This my family...
Randy, Christy, Katie & Nolan
Chad and myself

Be sure to check out my "links" page while you're here.
I'm sure you'll find items of interest.

~Family Pages~

~Touching Stories~

~Military Pages~

~Sailing Home for Christmas~

~Kim Anderson Pictures~

~Favorite Recipes~

~Christmas Index~



~My Music Page~

He who does not understand your silence
will probably not understand your words.

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email: katies_ghost@yahoo.com

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Proud Mother of former US Marine, Cpl Chad Ragan

Proud "Big Sister" of Cassy