Currently the only titles available for sale are The Amazing Race seasons 1,2,3,4,5, and 6.
Season One
Kevin/Drew - Fraternity Brothers
Matt/Ana - Married Couple
Joe/Bill - Life Partners
Pat/Brenda - Working Moms & Friends
Rob/Brennan - Best Friends & Lawyers
Frank/Maragrita - Seperated Parents
Kim/Leslie - Single Teachers & Friends
Nancy/Emily - Mother & Daughter
Paul/Amie - Engaged Couple
Lenny/Karyn - Dating
David/Margaretta - Grandparents & Married 40 years

Season 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 also available

Each Season sells for $19.99 and features 4 discs.

All 6 Seasons sell for $89.99 (*please note, this does NOT include season 7 featuring Rob and Amber from Survivor)

Shipping is $5.00 perseason to the US or Canada, up to a maximum of $15.00 for 3-6 seasons.

To purchase all 6 seasons, click paypal. To purchase a single season, email Guestbook and website in temporarily down, email me at:

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