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Siren's History of Romance
-3761 BC      The Jews begin the observation of the Sabbath, which occurs each week from sundown on Friday until   sundown on Saturday.  It is meant to be a day of spiritual growth, given to men and women so that they   should remember the sweetness of freedom and love.   
-102 BC Julius Caesar is born, see 69 BC.69 BC Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt is born.  Her love affair with Roman statesman Julius Caesar would be one of the  most storied romances in history.   
-270 The day of February 14th is set aside to honor two Christian saints martyred by the Roman Emperor Claudius.    Since the Middle Ages, this day has been dedicated to lovers, probably because it is believed to be the   day that birds choose their mates.  You probably know this day better as St. Valentine's Day.   
-1564 English dramatist and poet William Shakespeare is born.  He is, of course, the writer of the theatrical epic   "Romeo and Juliet", perhaps the most famous fictional romance in history.   
-1608 Captain John Smith is imprisoned by Indians and set to be executed by Chief Powhatan, but his life is spared at  the request of Powhatan's 13-year-old daughter, Pocahontas.   
-1690s The first "Advice to the love-lorn" column appears in the London Athenian Mercury.   
-1692 False allegations of witchcraft create hysteria in the town of Salem, Massachusetts, fueled by a jealous teenage   girl seeking vengeance upon the wife of her former lover.  In all, 20 innocent people are hanged-- NOT   burned at the stake, as some accounts claim-- including the teenage girl's former lover.   
-1858 Italian composer Giacomo Puccini is born.  His operas would become synonymous with "romantic music".   
-1876 General George Armstrong Custer is killed by Sioux Indians at the battle of Little Bighorn.  Custer was criticized  as every sort of fool by the media of the time.  But his widow, Elizabeth, loved the man very deeply, and  continued for over half a century after his death to defend his honor.  How's that for dedication?   
-1888 George Eastman's Kodak camera makes it easier for lovers to cope with being apart.   
-1891 Thomas Edison patents the first American-made motion picture camera.  What's so romantic about that?    Well...how many dates have you been on that started with the words "dinner and a movie"?   
-1892 George W.G. Ferris invents the Ferris Wheel, which was destined to become a popular attraction for   hand-in-hand couples all over the world.   
-1896 Henry Ford builds his first automobile.  The automobile would quickly become a symbol of status, personality,  and romance   
Find your Love ...Soulmate....Friend....Companion
(From "Boyd's Curiosity Shop", c. 1986, Dell Publishing)   
*     What is "Green Jellybean Day"?  This is a tradition started by loggers in British Columbia, Canada.  Many loggers   
 spend the entire work week out in the forest and only make it home for the weekend.  When they get home, they   
 scatter a bag of green jellybeans all over their green lawn.  This keeps the kids occupied outside while dad "says   
 hello" to mom.   
*     The conception of children peaks in the springtime.  What's weird is that suicide also peaks during this time of year.   
 I don't get it.   
*     Does this sound familiar to you?  The male bluebird picks out three or four potential nesting sites.  The female then   
 decides which one the couple will call "home".   
*     What was the first outdoor game in which women competed on equal terms with men?  The answer:  Croquet.   
*     Beavers mate for life.  OK...so, who's boss in a beaver household?   Well, since they devote almost all of their time  to fixing up their home, I guess you could say the female is.   
*     Is there anywhere on Earth where men and women dress exactly alike?  There is!  In India's mountain province of   
 Ladakh, men and women both wear heavy sashed robes and embroidered stovepipe hats.   
*     In Nahuatl, the language of the ancient Aztecs, the word "wife" translates as "one who is owner of a man."   
*     American Indians had never heard of prostitution before the European settlers showed up.   
*     In 1700s France, when a gentleman met a lady in public, it was the custom to kiss her, not on the lips or the cheek,   
 but on the neck.   
*     "Beauty Sleep" originally meant the sleep that a woman got before midnight, if any.   
*     When in Ankara, Turkey, remember not to kiss in a taxicab.  The driver will throw you out!   
*     Gentlemen, note:  Studies indicate that women who like literature make better cooks but poorer drivers than women  who like math.   
*     How did Ogden Nash describe "The Perfect Husband"?  Answer:  "He tells you when you've got on too much lipstick,  and he helps you with your girdle when your hips stick."   
*     Ladies, please note:  Survey takers asked 9000 husbands if they would marry their wives again, and 2000 said no.   
   Why not?  The number one reason...nagging!   
*     "Stick to the first model", Henry Ford once said.  Only, he wasn't referring to cars when he said it.  This was his   
 secret to a happy marriage.  (All of you take note of this one!)   
*     Studies have shown that 9 out of 10 marriages in which the women proposed have been successful.  Hear that, ladies?   
*     Studies have also shown that the toughest year of a marriage is the first.  After that, the fifth and ninth are also toughies, according to research.   
*     Is your man afraid of commitment?  Inform him of this little fact:  The average married man lives 6 years, 7 months   
 longer than the average never-married man.  If that doesn't make him think, what will?   
*     I don't know who wrote this quote, but I like it!  "Marriage is the process of finding out what sort of man your wife   
 would have preferred."   
*     Hey, you cheapskates!  What's your excuse for not buying your "significant other" a gold ring or necklace?  The   
 Egyptians buried 2,448 pounds of gold in King Tut's tomb.  Think about it!  Two-and-a-half tons of gold for a   
 dead guy!   
*     Here's a quote by Friedrich Nietzsche that might make you think:  "It is not lack of love but lack of friendship that   
 makes unhappy marriages."   
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