Alanis says...

"Right now, to be quiet honest,
I'm not scared of anything," said Alanis
as 1995 drew to a close. "I'm just really exited to
be going through the whole road experience.
And to be in the 23th hotel room for the 120th night and to be tired.
I love that. I'm just 21-yto be tired. I love that.
I'm just 21-years-old and I don't have any dependents or anyone other than myself to be
accountable for. There will be more- Alanis does not believe she has packed.
"In many ways, I really feel that I have only scratched the
surface," she promises. I know there are a million more [songs]
and a million more revelations and thoughtand confusions that
I haven't begun to write about yet."

A follow-up album is sheduled for release aroubd April 1997.
"The plan is that I'll come off the road in December,
go back to studio with Glen in January.
I'd like to write the next record in the same concetrated amount of time.
The first was done in something like a little more than two mounths."

She points out that fans should not expect the same :
"The viewpoint I have, as Glen does, I think , is that we're not
trying re-creat [Pill].
There are many things I want to talk about.
There's so much to create. And there are so many
observations that I've made over the last year
That I just can't wait to release.

This is regardless of wether it goes on the record or not.
So he and I are not going to go back to studio trying to create
Jagged Little Pill Part II, Definetely not. No."

"Having struggled with my view of my body for so long resulted in my
having a kind of toxic relationship with exercise..
"When I was younger I just loved running and biking
and swimming and playing, but as I went through the teen years
and my relationship with my body became so confusing,
my relationship with sports became confusing too.
It was so liberating to do a triathlon and do it for the reasons
I used to play sports when I was 12."

"I wish people could achieve what they think would give them
happiness in order for
them to realize that that's not the way that happiness can be

"I was very intrigued by what celebrity status, fame, adulation
could bring me, It was
touted as something that would raise your self-esteem and provide
you with eternal happiness.
Food would taste better, people would be more
exciting, relationships would be great."

"I had this insatiable desire to create and express and sing and
dance and act and paint and draw and write poems.
I just couldn't help it, it was dying to come out."

"I always believed in black and white; something was either great
or horrible, including myself.
And now it's just gray."

"I feel like I've gone from repression to explosion to

"I know I can't control the external world, which is the
reception to which I create.
There's an internal world, which is my personal development,
creative development, and
spiritual development. That's the only thing I can control.
I can control how much
knowledge I feed myself, but I can't control what
happens around me with peoples perceptions of it."

"My whole philosophy on life is that I'm not about external
appearance, what I have to
say is far more important than how long my eyelashes are."

"People have to be validated when they go through an angry state.
When you're hurt,
your immediate emotion is to protect yourself and get really
angry. But in my estimation,
anger is a cowardly expression or extension of pain or sadness".

" A lot of people think it has to be greater than the truth in
order for it to be charismatic and sought-after,
the truth is if you are what you are and your path is such
you will connect with a lot of people you will and if you don't
you we're not suppose to "

" You don't really know how amazing things are unless you have
that the contrast of things not having been amazing
for a certain amount of time. I happen to like this theory"

"Any time you deprive yourself of food or anything for the sake
of what society wants you to be,
your system, or the universe, is going to make sure
you get even more of it than you need "

" The subconscious is a great source for nasty thoughts and
lyrics: especially for women
because we like to explore our inner demons more than men do.
MEN- hate to go through painful self-analysis, but woman are almost obsessed
with it."

" I think that the more you open up, the least it has power over
you It's the truth, and
people may not agree with it, or may not want to hear it, But
it's a really peaceful place
for me to be "

"I was totally into psychology. If I wasn't a musician,
I'd be a psychologist"

"I don't get intimidated by people because....
it's hard for me to put into words.
I respect people. I'll meet someone and feel respectful and
compatible with them, or I
won't. It's not ever a matter of me thinking I'm inferior to

"One minute I'm the best album of the year, the next I'm the
worst thing that has ever
been created on the earth. So, if I want to go on that
roller-coaster ride, then I'm an

"Part of me just wants to say, Listen to this old record of mine,
watch a couple of the
videos, then maybe you'll understand."

"It's heartening to see that a lot of people are interested in
listening to music that just
isn't about heartbreak, that just isn't about
a love relationship gone right or gone
wrong, it's heartening to know that more people are
open to being introspective and to
hearing music that is going to require more of them,
then just to listen."

"I just wanna say that most people's growth is done in private,
an artist's growth is done in public.
And I thank Canada, the country, for accepting that in me."

"The more I know the less tortured I am."

"Oh, man, I wish I had me to listen to when I was 14." "When it came time to think about an image, all I said is tha
t I didn't want to be fake.
And it's really great because we wound up with me."

"I don't think I'm the kind of artist who comes across
as 'I'm a star, you can idolize me.'
I come across as 'I'm human, you can relate to me.'
I'm saying what alot of people
would want to say but would be far too embarrassed to say it.
I had been embarrassed to say it.
I wrote from a very dysfunctional part of my subconscious
that I rarely indulge."

"I've had all sorts of love, I've had evacuation love,
dependency love and I used to be a
control freak."

"I was just putting up with so much. I walk this fine line
constantly of .. having respect
and being diplomatic with people and then just standing up for
myself, like where do you draw the line?"

"Sometimes on stage I'm like a mirror.
My music becomes less about me and more
about what the audience sees in me that reminds them of
themselves. I sense that
some are there to release their own tension and frustrations,
and that's gratifying."

"I was audtioning not only their musicianship,
but also if they understood what I was
singing in my songs. I mean,
I never came out and posed the question 'Do you understand where I'm coming from?
' But, I did get a sense from them whether they did. It's a very precious thing to me, the creation of art,
and the process I go through to
create is something I hold really dear."

"I know there are a million more songs. And a million more
revelations and thoughts and confusions
that I haven't even begun to write about."

"I've always been the kind of person that would rather write a
book than read it, and wrtie a song,
rather than listen to one, and have a
conversation rather than watch one on T.V."

"I started making music because I could."

"I want to walk through life instead of being dragged through
it.""Right now, to be quite
honest, I'm not scared of anything."

"I lost my virginity at 19, but I was very sexually active since
14, doing everything but.
Isn't that odd?"

"Yeah, I am a hippy. I fluctuate between being very 1996 and
very, um, 1970."

"I spent a couple of months writing songs that were very personal. Then they were played on this thing called the radio. That's it!"

"When I was getting my immigration done, under American laws
I was considered an
'alien with a special talent'. Er thanks."

"I am aware that there are people out there,
but I don't read the letters. Yeah, I'm afraid of them."

"By no means is this record just a sexual, angry record."

"I've been writing songs since I was nine years old and just
really enamerate with music,
just so grateful for the fact that I can sing,
and I used to write songs to
entertain people, to take them away from their daily lives
and as I got older, I felt it
becoming more important to me to communicate to people and to
able to that through music is the ultimate thing in the world,
Because music to me is magic and
communicating to me is probably the most important thing
in my life, so to able to do
that at the same time and then be on stage and have a physical
release at the same time and connect with people,
that is more gratifying then anything I can ever think of."

"My twenties have been the best years of my life."

"The main advice I'd give to young musicians is don't be afraid
to phuck up."

"I've been surrounded by adults as far back as I can remember."

"Check one, two your mother twice, check one, two, check one,
two testing testing.."

"I don't think I'm the best, I just think I do it and that a lot
of people are enjoying it
for what it is and that's how I see myself. I see myself as
someone that has been
giving the oppurtunity to communicate my music to a lot of
people, and that's it!"

"A lot of what I wrote about were difficult times from which
I walked away a better person."

"When I am on stage, it's very spiritual.
I feel very close to God when I'm up there."
"Female artists come up to me and say, Yeeeah, we're takin' over! and I shake my head and say,
No we're not. We're joining."

"Confusion to me sometimes is the worst emotion to go through
than anger or sadness, I don't know why,
frustration and confusion are the two worst
emotions for me and "Forgiven" allowed me to articulate it,
to figure out why I was so confused when I was
younger, what I believed in, what I thought God was or wasn't,
what I thought was right or wrong,
what I was made to feel guilty for that I
could have been reveling in,
certain things that were natural for you to go through,
as a nine year old, you know
where things that were made to be seem bad or wrong and I don't
agree with it, I know I was going through with what was natural,
so to write about and to sort of absolve
myself of that was very freeing and it also was written at the
same time where I was questioning my own
spirituality and questioning what that word even meant."