A man's sex life...

It seems that when God was making the world, he called man
over and bestowed upon him twenty years of normal sex life.Man
was horrified "Only twenty years of normal sex life?" but the
Lord was very adamant - that was all man could have.

Then the Lord called the monkey and gave him twenty years."But I
don't need twenty years", he protested, "Ten is plenty for me."
Man spoke up eagerly."Can I have the other ten?" The monkey
graciously agreed.

Then the Lord called the lion and gave him twenty years, and
the lion, like the monkey wanted only ten. Again the man spoke
up, "Can I have the other ten?" The lion said of course he could.

Then came the donkey and he was given twenty years-but like the
others, ten was sufficient-and again man pleaded, "Can I have
the other ten?"

Which explains why man has twenty years of normal sex life, plus
ten years of monkeying around, ten years of lion about it and
ten years of making an ass of himself.

<--- to others
