welcome to my home page hope you enjoy it and learn a little more about me !!!

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I live in San Diego California
And I'm 47 years old.Black Male
5'9 150 lbs and like to have a good time with out Drinking alcohol or using Drugs I am in recovery and thats what the numbers in my name mean it is my Sobriety Date and the C.A.
stands for the 12step program that I work with Cocaine Anonoymous.For it has gave me a life that I enjoy today and for that I'm gratful and give back a lot to it so people in
recovery refer to me as C.A. Mike hence CAMIKE .!!

I  like  to chat online and meet all kinds of people from all over the world. I have met some real nice people online and have a friendship with them that I treasure so if you see me online feel free to say hello.

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