Welcome to Daniel's Funky Lounge.

Hello and welcome to my homepage. This site explains a little about my life and my interests. Before you proceed I would like to tell you that I am constantly updating this page, so make sure to check in often.

My name is Daniel, I am 34 years old. I was born in the year of the Wooden Tiger, in the month of May. I currently live in Australia, with my fiancee Catherine, in the nationals capital city... Canberra. I am working parttime towards finishing my degree in History, Ancient Greek and Latin at the Australian National University. I am only a couple of units away from finishing this degree I also work for the Australian Government, in the Department of Immigration. Not the greatest job in the world, yet I am keeping my options open and I am working towards doing what I want to do.

My fiance, Catherine, and I have three children. Our sons Riley and Seamus and our recent arrival, our daughter Cordelia.

I am 6'6", I have Grey eyes and dark blonde hair.
I was born in tiny little town called Albury, in New South Wales.

I have many hobbies and distractions which devor too much of my spare time, which include:

I practice Shaolin Kung Fu... I am training to be a teacher. I really enjoy teaching. I have been training there for about 12 years now (some of that part time)... and I also train in Xing Yi in the Holistic Martial Arts School, under Miles Henderson. He is a great teacher who is very approachable. I practice these often in my spare time, as well as other disciplines.

I study computer programming. I am in the process of learning Python, assisting a friend with checking a programming book he is writing. I am also a member of the Games Develpment Community

I used to run and I currently play in a amazing email wargame named Atlantis. I have been playing for nearly 12 years now in various versions. I used to run a game, which ran for over 2 years, yet had to disband due to problems with the code. In my spare time (like I have any) I do a little work on my next version of Atlantis. I have a lot of great ideas, and I hope that sooner or later I will be able to finish this and run a beta test of the game.

I am currently working on creating a space war/trade game named "Alderson", which is attached to the Overlord Project. It was originally created by someone years ago, yet the game was lost due to the ravages of time. I found the site and when I discovered the ideas I had to help recreate the game. This is currently in the Design phase. The game was originally written in C++, yet I hope to convert it to Python

I play a great online game called Neopets. I have four Neopets. The game is really aimed at young people, yet I enjoy the mini-games and economic aspect of the game.

I am also in the long process of writing a book. I had a lot of trouble starting, as I had way too many ideas. I have finally decided on my subject. I won't go into details about it until I have finished it.

Now, something about my previous incarnations...

Some years ago I was very prolific online. I used to visit a site named the Chathouse, and I made a lot of interesting friends. I still have a few people I keep in touch with. Back then I was known as "Mr Pink".

I used to play American Football for the best team in the league, The ACT Astros. We would win the grand final every year, sometimes without loosing a single game. I had to give this up as my injuries were interfering with my other hobbies and the huge amount of training we did was eating all my spare time. Unfortunately, since I left the team they have not gone as well as they used to.

I used to train and teach White Crane Kung fu... I trained there for 4 years, progressing to just before my Black Belt exam, before deciding to go another direction due the school changing. I still practice the system by my self and enjoy it.

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