Welcome to my Guestbook! Here are some of the people who have visited my homepage

Angi - 11/23/00 03:18:47
My Email:anesbitt@niagara.com
How did you find my page?: You showed it to me :-)
Tell me more about you: All you to do is ask me

Hi there Ian Now that I have a faster pc I was able to view your site and sign your guest book. You've done a great job with it. I'm glad I met you. Hugs & kisses

SeaJay - 10/01/00 10:38:06
My URL:http://www.zyworld.com/SeaJay/Main%20Page.htm
My Email:biteme@ihug.com.au
How did you find my page?: you told me
Tell me more about you: you still know enough :P

Ewps i forgot to mention i'm da one from Melbourne Australia so when ya commin to visit ??? :P *hugs*

Cheryl - 10/01/00 10:33:47
My URL:http://www.zyworld.com/SeaJay/Main%20Page.htm
My Email:biteme@ihug.com.au
How did you find my page?: word of mouth :P
Tell me more about you: u know enough :P~

Great page Ian keep up the good work wanna re do mine lol ??

^Rain^Drop^ - Iris - 09/14/00 02:55:39
My Email:PrincessX@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: from your bio ... silly

Hello Ian; We haven't really had the chance to get to know each other yet but I learned alot about you from the page. I was saddened when I read about the loss of your wife :(( God Bless her. Hopefully, we'll talk in channel sometime. *hugs*

Soph - 09/14/00 02:24:54
My URL:http://www.atreide.net/sophie
How did you find my page?: Saw your ad in #BBWCanada

Really liked looking around your page. Very nice site dedicated to Janet! It was interesting getting to know a bit more about you. Nice work on the site!

Vicky - 09/08/00 01:34:41
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/vicky22
My Email:vicky22_1@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: My links page :)
Tell me more about you: You know me already *smiles*

Hi there :) Just stopped by to say hi. I hope all is well... email me sometime and lets catch up!

deepvoice - 09/06/00 20:28:32
My Email:deep@lancesmail.com
How did you find my page?: through you on dalnet

Very touching homage to your late wife. You are truly a good husband and gentle-man. all the best Lance see you online

toni gladstone - 09/06/00 17:07:57
My Email:gldstne@yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: bbw info search
Tell me more about you: i'm 31, cute and large sized and interested in getting some pictures taken.

i liked your site and i agree the shaved head is damn hot. i hope you are doing well and if you want to drop me a line that would be cool. toni

crystal^wizard - 08/29/00 05:32:07
How did you find my page?: you told me!!

Very nice design...I thought it was fantastic and like i said before, you are a hard worker:))))

Deyo - 08/29/00 04:26:19
How did you find my page?: you told me about it! *grin*
Tell me more about you: single white female. Happy about life

great website! wonderful wallpaper and excellent content. Sincere and straight forward. Well done!

Darlene Takagi - 08/28/00 06:10:53
My URL:http://go.to/stedenko
My Email:dtakagi@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: you signed my guestbook
Tell me more about you: as if you dunt know *LOL*

I like the site, sorey it too me so long to get around to looking at it

Mary - 08/02/00 15:50:54
My Email:Nursemary@Yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: Widownet

I am so sorry to read about the death your beloved Janet. But something startled me while I was reading....her seizure. You see, I have Epilepsy, however, I only have Grand Mal seizures when I sleep. No one has ever told me why this happens. I was just c rious is your Janet had this problem on a reoccurring instance. Would appreciate anything you can tell me about it. Thanks & God Bless. mary

Diana - 08/02/00 02:54:54
My Email:ncanadiansweetie@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: u mentioned it
Tell me more about you: 36/f/London.ont. seperated

I think u have done a great job with your web page. And u know u look good bald. keep up a great job Diana

Diana - 08/02/00 02:52:39
My Email:ncanadiansweetie@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: u came up on channel and typed it out so i went and checked it out. :)


GreyFalcon - 07/28/00 19:50:55
My Email:tatemag@hotmail.com

Hi Ian Nice page,,and nice pics,,

Lauren - 07/17/00 12:35:06
My Email:lauren@golden.net
How did you find my page?: fooling around
Tell me more about you: like to have a good time


Bill Wagner - 07/09/00 01:55:57
My Email:wagner_billy-bob@cat.com
How did you find my page?: widownet.com
Tell me more about you: I am a widower

Thanks for sharing. I am about done with my book on the same topic. Not sure it will ever be shared. I am now moving on with life. That part of my heart will never recover, but that is ok. Blessings to you!

Patricia Condie - 06/28/00 20:13:28
My URL:http://www.hadenart.com
How did you find my page?: You told me about it, silly.
Tell me more about you: Forget it!

Very nice site Ian, with a very touching tribute to Janet. Toby is very cute, and I see he has that problem of always having his tongue stick out when the camera flash goes off (at least he doesn't blink).

Meg - 06/22/00 01:15:41
My Email:mkfrancey@idirect.com
How did you find my page?: really touching
Tell me more about you: not much to tell really..

I was just goofing off on the net, went here, went there and found this website. The story of your wife's passing was sad, but the love you have for her and your dog is really nice/sweet. Nice to hear a man speak like that.

Lisa - 06/09/00 22:21:32
My Email:Whitewillow2@aol.com
How did you find my page?: widownet

I am a recent widow. My husband was killed in a tractor trailor accident May 8 2000, one month short of our 3rd anniversary. We have a son that will be 2 years old July 17,2000. My husband was 25 years old. I am 23 years old.

Heather (Sky) - 06/08/00 23:11:15
My Email:heather_dalling@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: you told me to check it out! lol
Tell me more about you: you'll have to come find me and ask! LOL

Great web site! Hey your a cutie! I loved your page about your wife! I am so sorry fr your lose! I admire your dedication to her....there should be more men like you!

Joyce - 06/06/00 00:16:53
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Ridge/4349/
My Email:MzAngel@aol.com
How did you find my page?: you told me :-)
Tell me more about you: widow

I love your page. Onward and Upward, Ian.

Renat Safiullin - 05/24/00 06:26:10
My Email:ren@tatincom.ru
How did you find my page?: through the ICQ
Tell me more about you: I am 33 years old. I live in Kazan, it is capital (population over 1 000 000 people) of Tatarstan Republic. It is 800 km east from Moscow.

I like your web page and I am very interested in finding friends in Canada. If you will have any time please do not hesitate to contact with me.

Joanne - 05/20/00 05:28:27
My Email:joannewalsh@home.com
How did you find my page?: from your ICQ Info..
Tell me more about you: Just ask

Great site... Wish I had time to do one...

Peggy - 05/07/00 20:34:58
My Email:nurse_n_toronto_searching@yahoo.com

Lovely page you have. Wish we could all be so clever :) Your wife was a very lucky woman to have someone love her so much. I will try to get on the IRC..im not new to the net; but am new to the IRC network. I am a yahoo person...yes i know..but its simple! haha Keep in touch.

Peggy - 05/07/00 20:31:57
My Email:nurse_n_ny


Martha - 04/25/00 18:52:04
My Email:margagne@aol.com
How did you find my page?: through widownet
Tell me more about you: In this tiny space?

I am also a 32 year old widow. My husband died of a massive heart attack in 1997, after one year of marriage. I was living and working in NYC then. One year after Michael's death I moved to a cottage in the south of France and have not moved since. I now ave a dog and a horse, and lots of lovely evenings with lovely wine. I consult internationally while here. I am contemplating when to move back to the states....

Elena - 04/17/00 16:53:33
My Email:elie_24@yahoo.com
How did you find my page?: yahoo
Tell me more about you: i'm one cool chick!

Toby is awesome! I love him!

chris - 03/18/00 04:14:01
My Email:chrisnavel
How did you find my page?: thru u
Tell me more about you: i'm friendly

Your such a nice a person.

Teresa - 03/02/00 20:20:46
My Email:tmccutchen90@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: you told me:>))
Tell me more about you: met you on firetalk

very nice page..i like Toby I once had a dog named Toby.See you around. Beautiful page!!!* S *

Stellagene - 02/23/00 01:33:52
How did you find my page?: Looking around
Tell me more about you: Lost my husband and best friend of 37 years - Joe (10/04/43 - 01/22/2000).


candie - 02/21/00 02:29:04
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Candie/index.html
My Email:candie2569@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: friend

Great work! love the scrolling text over the background... chat soon!

Wildone - 01/19/00 14:27:25
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Meadows/3412
How did you find my page?: You told me about it
Tell me more about you: I am 34, live with my fiancee, have 2 chinchillas and a cat, and live in Toronto

Hiya Ian. I see you've changed your page a bit. Looks good.

Didi Irwin - 11/02/99 05:28:23
My Email:dirwin3@home.com
How did you find my page?: I was looking through the home pages of ICQ members...looking for someone who could share funny stories about dogs.
Tell me more about you: I love dogs (well, obviously). Just recently moved to Oakville after living in Winnipeg for 6 years. Am originally from Montreal.

I got really depressed when I read about your terrible loss...your wife was a beautiful lady. I gather from reading other people's comments that you are probably a very nice guy. It's nice to see. I will soon be taking a course in Web design & hopefull will have my own page up & running one day soon. In the meantime you might want to check out my dog Mickey's site. He's at www.mickeythedog.tripod.com I'll check in on Toby again soon! Cheers.

Lynda - 10/09/99 14:04:23
My URL:http://www.heartwarmers4u.com/members/?bobsgal
My Email:lab2401@aol.com
How did you find my page?: WidowHood's (Thanks Joyce-aka MzAngel)
Tell me more about you: Bob's other half 5/8/48~ 8/3/95. Bob died suddenly of heart failure, with no history of heart disease. I was blessed to have married my best friend and other half. We were 3 months short of our 22nd anniversary when Bob p ssed.

Ian, your pages are extremely well done. Thank you for sharing yourself so eloquently.

Terry D - 10/09/99 02:15:41
My Email:terry1235@primary.net
How did you find my page?: you mentioned it in chat


Lisa, `Lily`, or ``Drew`` - 09/20/99 23:00:38
My Email:lisa_who@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: you told me.
Tell me more about you: 24 years old, health care aide/hairstylist/about to be a student again! Happily married 5 months (Since May 1/99), have a dog and 2 great cats. Live in (north) eastern ontario.

Ian, you have done an absolutely gorgeous job of setting this page up. Your wife was a beautiful woman and you have put alot of thought and effort into her page, very well done. Toby is absolutely adorable, but I thought that Beagles were the #1 smartest og?? I'm glad I met you Ian, you have alot to offer. Take care, see ya on IRC/ICQ.

Debbie - 09/16/99 05:08:24
My Email:dreeves@tcsn.net
How did you find my page?: Widownet
Tell me more about you: Recent widow, my husband of 22 yrs. died of a sudden massive heart attact. Have two wonderful children, 16 & 17.

Wonderful tribute from a man who obviously loved his wife very much.

09/04/99 09:08:59
Name: Girls of ICQ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Niza. Gracias por dejarme firmar su guestbook

Bob Seifert - 08/26/99 23:10:24
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/bones46/BobSeifertsWebPage0
My Email:bones46@webtv.net
How did you find my page?: Yahoo Internet life
Tell me more about you: Im from kentucky,single, 48, work for kroger co. have big family. Emailing them all the tie.

Ive had loss in my life and found your site to be good memorial to your wife.

Tammy - 12/28/98 04:38:39
My Email:Tammy.Eula@GTE.Net
How did you find my page?: WidowNet
Tell me more about you: widow of 8 months with a 14 month old daughter

Great page, if I didn't think my husband would zap me, I might try this for him--he hated the computer!!! This is why I have one now!

Lynn Crosby - 12/27/98 23:14:27
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/TheTropics/Cabana/7834
My Email:hpappas@surfsouth.com
How did you find my page?: surfing the net

Very nice page. I was unable to view your late wife's page however. I wish I could have read it!

Lynn Crosby - 12/27/98 23:13:49
My Email:hpappas@surfsouth.com

Very nice page. I was unable to view your late wife's page however. I wish I could have read it!

Marion - 12/09/98 05:47:19
My Email:mimibear2@juno.com
How did you find my page?: Widownet
Tell me more about you: I have been widowed for l5 years. I like widownet and am a new comer.

Your page is very interesting. Nice picture of your wife. I like your Poodle. I agree, Poodles are very smart!!! May you find happiness in the years ahead.

Judy - 11/15/98 01:39:25
My Email:stockdal@nbnet.nb.ca
How did you find my page?: Widownet
Tell me more about you: a widow of 7 years

Having a place to express your grief and share the specialness of your loved one will help you to grieve and move on... as we all must. My husband died when our children were young, and even though we miss him dearly, our lives go on day by day and we continue to be busy and happy. Just remember that the love you had with your wife will always remain with you!

Judy - 11/15/98 01:39:21
My Email:stockdal@nbnet.nb.ca
How did you find my page?: Widownet
Tell me more about you: a widow of 7 years

Having a place to express your grief and share the specialness of your loved one will help you to grieve and move on... as we all must. My husband died when our children were young, and even though we miss him dearly, our lives go on day by day and we continue to be busy and happy. Just remember that the love you had with your wife will always remain with you!

TWYLAH - 11/03/98 09:08:47
My Email:tookie@netins.net
How did you find my page?: was depressed one night, thinking about my folks. I lost them both in Aug. of this year, six days apart. Mom from a heart attack, Dad, six days l ter from a broken heart. I started looking for other people who are grieving to see how they are getting through it, that's how I found you page.
Tell me more about you: I am 35. Have four daughters and a wonderful husband.

Since Fathers Day of this year, I have lost 14 people to death, 8 of them being family members, I only wish I could make a tribute to each one of them, as you have done for your lovely wife, maybe, just maybe, it would help ease the hurt just a little.

jojo - 10/08/98 04:34:17
My Email:jmmssmm

so sorry about your wife,she was very very pretty you must really miss her.Don't worry,better days are coming

09/30/98 10:53:07
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Lina - 09/19/98 13:12:29
My Email:greenmin@ibcast.net
How did you find my page?: thru chatting (info)
Tell me more about you: a medical student

Nice Home pages....Keep up

Cindy - 09/11/98 11:33:32
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: I like this!!... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

RubyJo - 08/27/98 20:10:28
My Email:EVKeuhe@sprintmail.com
How did you find my page?: Widownet
Tell me more about you: I am a 45 yr.old widow with 2 grown daughters and 2 grandchildren. I live alone in my double-wide mobile in Orlando, Florida. I work 2 jobs so have very little time to do anything else. Right now I am doing this on my son in-laws computer and it is his e-mail. They move out next month, so I have to find another way until I can get a computer. I will still be visiting once a week. RubyJo

This was really a nice tribute. I know nothing about starting a page but will learn. Thanks for sharing your life. RubyJo

Jen - 07/24/98 04:51:15
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/CollegePark/7163
My Email:jennnn@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: you left yer link somewhere..... hehehe
Tell me more about you: you go first ;)

Woooooo the page is gettin spiffier and spiffier every day....... :) Jen

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