These are poems that I've written about the friends in my life. They reflect how I felt about them at the time and most still hold true. I have been blessed with a lot of friends so it will take quite a bit of time to gather all the poems I've written about each of them. So be patient and come back often for new dedications. *grins*

For Dave, James and Stefan


The Spell Weaver
Lady Moondreams

You stand there,
your flowing purple robe
cascading around your body,
a tall hunter green cap
perched rakishly upon your head,
a lithe multicolored cat
winding lovingly around your feet.
In one powerful hand
is held lovingly a magic wand.
In the other gentle hand
you hold a delicate crystal...
which is my soul.

I stand here,
a silver-blue gown spun of dreams
caressing my skin softly,
an ice green moon-spun veil
runs like molten silk around my face,
a mystical pure white unicorn
stands faithfully beside me,
a sleek silver-kissed wolf
lies like a protective lover in front of me.
With worn, careful, giving hands
is held a rough fire opal...
which is my heart.

Warm lavender sands
cool aquamarine waves
soothing amethyst skies
making clouds blush pink
during a magical, mystical sunset
surrounds us, watching
as you cast your spell upon me

You have become the stream
~cool, musical, playful,
dancing, loving, determined~
that runs through the forest
~surreal, quiet, watchful,
protective, peaceful, deep~
which is my entire being
©10/22/97 For Wiz of Kroz


Untitled 1
Under the corner of Lady Night's starred cloak, through the misty veil covering the face of the moon, I sit on a moon-blessed waterfall and wish on a far away moon-kissed star that you would come closer to my heart and soul. The time of space has become longer; the space of time has grown wider. Time of nightly talks and blooming love has been frozen, seemingly never to be awaken again. The space is no longer filled with the magic of your words, your thoughts, your love, your laughter. Warm, fond memories of a brightly burning love that was so new are all I have left to keep me company now that we are apart. With a bruised and tired heart, I watch the hands of a tower clock draw nearer together, and am reminded that we were once as close as the hands at midnight, a magical hour. Then my slumbering spirit awakes to whisper a truth I had seen then long forgotten. The hands of Time always move away from each other and always towards one another. Time cannot stand still for the both of us to realize that the moments we are farthest apart are the moments we are closest together. As I sit shrouded in the night, I watch as a mystical unicorn dance on a moonbeam by the waterfall as cystal tears glide down my face to join with the waters of the moon.

Untitled 2
Silent crystal tears running down a face once warm and glowing. Warmed by the love of your heart, and glowing from the new yet familiar love of your soul. Your love once held the key to part of my heart and soul which I never knew was empty until you opened the lock, walked inside, and filled me completely. Filled the emptiness with love and emotions I've never experienced or knew existed. Once, only you filled me completely. You had a part of my heart and all of my soul, which I gave to you freely. As long as you held me within you, time may stand still but love will never cease. But now we are apart... as long as you hold my soul I will be empty because I can never love another as I once loved you. I used to await the bright day when we would be together again for eternity and beyond, as much as I dreaded the starless night that had no end if you and your love was taken from me. Now I am that bright day and also that starless night because I am still here and you are not. My soul once laid safe and secure within yours. My heart once was in your hands. Once, silent crystal tears fell from unicorn eyes into a moon-kissed waterfall where a black panther once came to walk my dreams.

Untitled 3
Please tell me if you love me, this earthly woman with the essence of a mystical unicorn. Can you love the hazel-gray eyes which have seen pain? Can you love the ample body that bear scars of humiliation? Can you love the heart shattered too many times by rejection? Can you love the soul that has known loneliness and yearning, and yet be called pure by others? Please tell me if the panther who walks my dreams could love and want this solitary unicorn who has almost stopped dreaming, wishing, hoping... believing? Tell me if our souls could be as close as clock hands at midnight. If not then like Cinderella's spell my heart will shatter and fade away, but I will survive and go on somehow. Just don't leave me wondering, waiting, hoping, wishing, believing as I have done for so long. I need to know the truth more than anything in this universe, even if that truth hurts so I can heal the scars faster in the best way I know how. I need to know if what we had shared meant as much as we had given to each other. If you feel you cannot love me anymore... Then let us part and remain dear friends forever. I would rather have you as my friend in this lifetime than know that I had lost your love for eternity.

These three were inspired by a short & bittersweet cyber-romance with one gentle guy.


Untitled 4

I still love, even after loving someone that didn't return my love. I still dream, after someone took my dreams from me and crushed them under foot. I continue to reach out because I'm not afraid of falling... since I already fell a long time ago and I've learned how to fly high and free. I continue caring because someone cares for me. I've swallowed the bitterest pill, survived poisonous venom, healed the wounds in my heart, body, mind and soul...
I still love. I've dealt with the past, learned from it, moving on to the future. I'm free as moonlight, as the stars dancing in the cloak of Lady Night. I'm not afraid of pain or hurt because I have more power over them. They do not lord over me. My future is of my own design. If I stop loving, caring, reaching... Then I've stopped living. The soul is free and the heart has a mind of its own. Who am I to try and tame them, control them?
I still love... I still live.
To Stefan


Untitled 6
You are the calm deep blue sky that calls to the turquoise shores and aquamarine seas of my mind. You are the hawk that is bold enough to fly and play with the phoenix of my heart. You are the night-song that dares my wolf's soul to dance with yours. Even though the distance is great, our desires and wills keep us close. We have honesty, trust and understanding that builds strong ties between friends. Our hearts can talk to each other; our souls laugh, dance and connect to ease the empty places within. Your words surround me, comfort me, and support me. I can only hope and pray that I have touched your life as yours has mine. The future belongs to us, a bright and golden treasure. Come dance, sing, love and soar with me. Let's continue our journey towards friendship together.
To Stef.


Untitled 9
Once there was a black panther that walked in my dreams. He had a heart and soul that was so familiar to me. He brought a small piece of heaven to my world for a short time. Then disappeared from my life and my dreams. With a dull heart I remember seeing that panther walk away into the starless night. Slowly I stopped dreaming and a unicorn that used to dance with moonbeams faded as reality wrapped cold arms around me. My heart and soul slept deeply under the frost, afraid of being embraced by emptiness and pain. Then one night a golden hawk glided into my life, bringing back my dreams with its gentle night song. He called to me from serene sapphire skies to come fly, soar and play with him. His song wove a spell around icy heart and soul, daring embers to light a warm fire within. Suddenly I found myself flying through the sky. The unicorn has transformed into a blazing phoenix. I floated in the air, glowing amber nestled in velvet blue, wondering if this all was a dream, a wish, a spell that would soon shatter like delicate crystal. Softly I heard him call me and turned to face the hawk who gave me back my dreams and dared me to dream them again. I listened closely to his song, hearing familiar chords and strains that echoed my mourning song. I heard myself in his story, felt his pain, his fear, his past and his heart... and shed the bitter tears he could not. Under those tears came a new night song, one of healing, caring, friendship and love. A song that threatened to tear us apart before we started and a song that drew us together. A song that threw us higher in the sky and formed a bond of understanding that needed no words. A song that tells us of a brighter future that belongs to us only if we dare to claim it. So now we glide along side by side, dancing with the stars and each other. Our songs blending together.
© 1/12/98
For Stefan


All dedications guarded by Thalia, Guardian of Stories and Poetry.

Dedication 3

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