

First I will preface this entire section with a short lesson on spelling.
As those who know me will testify, I am possible one of the worst spellers on the planet
(have a rather large vocabulary, just cant spell what I can say!) and I would definitely
be quite lost without my trusty spellchecker.

Now to the variance in the spelling of my name. Jezebel as far as I can tell is the correct
way to spell my adopted name, however, I have always spelled it the way I pronounce it
Jez-za-belle hence my version instead of others you might see. And besides, my version
is much closer to my birth name, same number of syllables and same rhythm.

Anyway, for the purposes of this diatribe I will use the conventional spelling....

JEZEBEL:  Seducing Goddess, Legendary Queen
The bible describes Jezebel as a warring, contending
principality, with a flare for controling manipulation.
A master manipulator who used flattering words and
smooth sayings to seduce. She was like a shark, most
vicious and dangerous circling the lives of others,
looking for teachable, seducible, controlable disciples.

She used deep controling hurts and wounds to manipulate
and contol as she created soul ties. Jezebel loved to pull
people unto herself, knowing how to stir people up because
she liked to flow in the whirlwind of confusion and turmoil.

She could probe your soul, looking for weaknesses and
was a master at developing soul ties. When authority said
no to her she was ready for war, forever the warring spirit
dressed for battle. She loved power and liked control
because she drew strength from controlling.

This is why there was a feeling of being drained spiritually
after contending with her. So the Jezebel Spirit was born.

In the wake of every Spirit of Jezebel is a life of chaos,
confusion, unstability, broken relationships and
destruction and today the Jezebel Spirit lives on as
a synonym for a wicked woman.

Inspite of the biblical history, the literal meaning of
the name Jezebel seems to mean chaste, with the prime
root being where?, how?, what?, which way?

So there is the duality. Jezebel meaning wicked, seducer,
master manipulator and Jezebel meaning chaste pure one.
Go figure!

The Life of JEZEBEL
She was a Phoenician princess, her father was Ethbaal,
king of Tyre and Sidon and priest of the Phoenician
goddess Astarte. Her claim to fame started when she
married king Ahab of Israel (869-850 BC?) son of Omri.

He was a warrior king and builder on a heroic scale
extending his capitol city of Samaria and refortifying
Megiddo and Hazor. Jezebel introduced the worship of the
Phoenician god Baal and Phoenicain habits. This is where
all the hostillity and trouble started.

She earned the undying enmity of the prophet Elijah
and his successors. She refused to bend her knee to the
"only real god" and her spirit of rebellion, unyeilding,
launched an all out attack against the prophet. Jezebel
was Elijah's greatest challenge.

After Ahab's death, Jezebel was the power behind the
throne of her sons Haziah and Jehoram (841 BC?)
until Jehu (842-815 BC?) who had been military
commander under king Ahab headed an army coup and
slaughtered the royal family including Jezebel.

Simply put she was thrown from a window and trampled
to death. There are added descriptions of her painted
face and body parts eaten by dogs etc...

So in one of the many blood-curdling episodes from the
old testament Jezebel dies...but the spirit, the power
and the fury lives on!

Her lingering bad name is an example of the power
of language. Without the religious overtone, it could
be said Jezebel showed strength, courage, loyalty to
her upbringing and heritage and an unshakable belief
in "her" religion that believed the feminine represents
divinity. She must have been a feminist!

Okay, so now know you know some of the story
but there are many interpretations of Jezebel.

Links to the Web of Jezebel

Easton's Bible
Dictionary - Jezebel
Names of the Lord Jezebel's Goddess
Jezebel Jezebel RevisitedTyre & Jerusalem,
950 BC
Jezebel Magazine Jezebel Sauce
Jezebel Meditates Jezebel -RestaurantJezebel -Boat
Jezebel -a sight
for sore eyes

There they are, the ones I've seen so often so long ago,
the ones I know and remember,and new ones
and ones I expected to fade away.

The names that make me think
"This is what I've been missing."
That made me crave this "space" again.
Where the thoughts and the names are fluid
and the space is somewhere else than here.

And I'm a name from the shadows of the past returned,
gone forgotten remembered returned.

Here we are, our names and those names
mean something meaningful and meaningless
in a spaceless space.

I feel like I've walked into an old familiar place
to find names I know (who may not know me)
but the recognizing of them makes me feel like
this could be home.
Mia Lipner

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