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berke archive 2

berke's first months


james & kim's fun page

hey berke

kim's page



The earlier months have been archived to a separate page.

Some say that Berkeley is Mahir's baby.

month ten

Rachel visited on Halloween.

i must unmask the bunny

This was Berke's Halloween costume for the day. He's checking out the Jack O' Lantern booties.

gotta be the shoes

Berke's favorite thing to do now is climb up the stairs. Both hands, left knee, right foot.

headin' on up

When he gets to the top he usually does a quarter turn and sits down.

at the top

Beware the fake hand reaching for you from beneath the couch. 

watch out!

Berke deals with the fake hand.

yelling at the hand

Berke and his grandparents chatting it up with local Congressman Tom Davis.

berke shaking voter hands

month nine

Waiting for the Great Pumpkin.

Bubble-wrap is not as interesting as the camera.

Coming to get the camera.

Trying the scooter at the beach.

Berke is trying to help Jon, who is stuck behind glass, like in Superman II.

A moment of reflection.

Amazingly, we recently found a picture of Berke's great great grandfather. He was a cowboy from a very early age. We think the resemblance is remarkable.

so it's one of those old time photos from the beach

Fun at the beach.

More fun.

I'll take a formula in a dirty glass.

Getting a lift so I can play with the ceiling fan.

No more paparazzi.

month eight

Now a series of eating pictures. This is right before I start.

eating series #1

After a few bites of peas I have a little spillage, but who doesn't?

eating series #2

Sometimes I turn my head or quickly lunge forward as the spoon is arriving.

eating series #3

Finally I get the spoon so this can be done right.

eating series #4

And now I have the bowl.

eating series #5

You know, when you have the bowl, you really don't need a spoon.

eating series #6

Flossing on Butch's clothes line at camp.

Driving John's truck in Syracuse.

month seven

This was sent to Dad while he was out of town on travel.

This is from our trip to Alaska. I was much less happy on the last 30 miles to Seward. See the Alaska travel page for more.

Instead of the traditional crawling, I prefer to do a few push ups. This is usually followed up by scooting backwards several feet.

My friend Dana came to visit again. We spent some quality time at her grandparents' house. The next day we went to the beach.

dana & berke'

month six

I entered an Independence Day parade and was awarded this medal.

Happy Fourth everyone!

happy independence day

I can't put down a lime slice when offered one.


But I also can't stand them.

yet enticing 

but still bad

Letting my hair down.

peace, mon

Drooling is the best way to get ready for a night of clubbing.

god save the queen

Soon I will bust out of here and rule this place.

babyman of alcatraz

Pretty happy to be playing in the den.


Although it does get tiring being the shortest one at the party.

it sucks being the shortest one

This is the face I make after putting the Tiffany rattle (Aunt Amy got me) in my mouth.

bad taste in my mouth

Outside on a bright day.

time to cut the grass

month five

It may appear like I am standing, but I am really just wedged in between the furniture.

I was in a pretty good mood this morning. (jumper by Carter's John Lenon Imagine collection $25, shirt by Sears $5, socks by Old Navy 3 for $5)

A guy can really get worn out after several minutes of vigorous jumping.

At the beach in Florida. Boy that was water warm.

older pictures

my family

With the Grandparents on my birthday.

Grandma came up from Florida to visit right after Christmas.

Visiting with Meme and Papa

With Great-Grama D and Great Aunt Debbie in Syracuse.

With my great uncles John and Jim.

my friends

Hanging out on the couch with Tal and Georgia, watchin' the game.

This is me and Rachel.

She likes it when I stand up and sing.

Of course, I'm not very good at standing yet.

A photo op with Sierra, Alissa and Anthony that proves the more kids there are, the harder it is to get everyone looking in the right direction.

Went to a party after my good friend Dana (we gestated together) was baptized.

Here I am with Kyra in Lexington, KY.

This is J.R. We are in mom's office.

at work with j.r.

Loafing with the Kahl girls.