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August 5-12, 2000

These are from our trip to Kim's grandparents' place on Millsite Lake. I threw in some pictures from last year's trip because there were some better sunsets then.

2000 visit

One of the tricky things about going to the camp at Millsite is the lack of privacy. Berke tried to not let this ruin his bath.

This was taken on a day trip to Kingston, Ontario Canada. This was Berke's first time out of the country.

at dragon breath brewery, kingston ontario, canada

Here is the gang at Sacket's Harbor, near Watertown, NY.

at sacket's harbor

Berke liked sitting on the dock.

Notice that Berke and Pop have a similar way of sitting (left leg up)?

This was after Berke told Kim a pretty funny baby joke.

On the dock near sunset.

The dock.

Berke with cousins Brendan and Jordan at their grandparents' house.

1999 visit

This is the first time Kim remembers having the whole family together. This is from the baby shower in NY. (front row: John, Ben, Jack, Meme, Grama D, Ron, Sue, back row: Patty, Jordan, Gail, Carol, Kristle, Sue, Ashley, Kim, Dave, Judy)

the whole shebang

An overcast day at Millsite.

This is Becky's reflection (and some of mine) looking into the water. You can see some seaweed and some fish.

Afternoon sun at Millsite.

The raft, Cherry Island and the dock.

And as the sun sets over Millsite, we draw the pictures to a close.




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