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ireland :: first leg



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first leg

We landed in Shannon. From there we drove past Limerick. This is from that early morning drive.

there once was a sunrise over limerick

Driving south, the first official stop was the Rock of Cashel. This is the ruins of a Medieval castle. This pic shows a wall from the main building and a smaller abbey in the distance.

no cable

Next stop was Cahir Castle. This is a small bolted window on the interior of the courtyard. I liked the textures (and the anachronistic padlock).

not sure if they are keeping out or in

A statue over one of the walls in Cahir Castle.

nice color contrast, no?

We stayed in Kilkenny (you bastard) that night. The next morning we headed south. This is Kilkenny Castle.

it was raining

The guidebook recommended seeing Kells Priory, a huge medieval ruin. This was definitely an off the beaten path stop. Later we found that even the best known sights were often off the beaten path.

stepped in sheep poop

After a short stop in Waterford (saw them make crystal) we drove along the Copper Coast.

ruins on the copper (se) coast

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