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ireland :: final leg



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final leg

We spent that night in Doolin, a small village near the Aran Islands. This is from an old pub in Doolin, Gus O'Connors.

where enormous beers are served to babies

The cliffs near Doolin were precarious. We think this sign warns of the edge of the earth.

mind the edge of the earth, dear

A view from Doolin.

mo rocks

In Doolin, everyone told us to visit the Doolin Pottery. One couple talking to us was going to make a return visit. So we decided we had to see it. Doolin was a bit larger than its quaint "village" status portrayed. When we finally got to the pottery we found a small house with a chair out front that had an open sign on it. We walked in a small room with about 30 pieces of pottery in it. A sign said "leave money if you want something."

waterford crystal didn't have an open sign

we bought a couple of things

On the last full day we stopped at Bunratty, a reconstructed medieval village—kind of an Irish Williamsburg. This is Bunratty Castle.

really close to the airport

We stopped in the Bunratty Winery. I'm not so sure this is an accurate name as they make Mead and a Irish moonshine called Potcheen. This is a thatch-roof hut in the village. From here it was back to Shannon and then home.

most authentic thatch roof house on the trip minus the yellow bucket

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