I give myself to you..My heart and my soul
You draw me to your embrace..I don't know what to do.
Your mesmerizing eyes..Ever so taunting me
Pulling me to you..A powerful surge of energy.
No other man had such a hold on me
There's something different..Something I greet eagerly.
Taking in your scent..Your hard masculine structure
A burning inside me..Fueled by anticipation.
You engulf my lips..The fire runs wild
My knees buckle..You know I am yours.
Tenderly you lift me..Taking me to places
Far away from here..Into your own world.
We engulf one another..A hunger we share
Enjoying the motions..Love soaring through us.
We part unexpectedly..I search your face
For it shows nothing..Just staring at me.
Abruptly you leave..Exasperation on my behalf
Why the sudden departure..What had I done?
I had awaken..Sweat beaded down on me
For I now know..I had a beautiful Lovers Dream!

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When You Love Someone Jannas Links Un-Break My Heart

<bgsound src="VALNTINE.wav" autostart=true loop=infinite width=16 height=16>

People have experienced beautiful Lovers Dreams!!

Page created June 5, 1999
Janna animation