"It's a magical world, Hobbes, old buddy...let's go exploring." - Calvin

This was the first comic strip ever to show it's face into the world and present us with the character of Calvin and his eternal buddy Hobbes the tiger. I don't have words to express what Calvin and Hobbes is really about, only that they have this innocence and yet they can go deeper than most "mature" cartoons ever dreamed of... and that, to me, is the real magic.

In 1996 Watterson decided that it was the time for Calvin and Hobbes get into retirement.This was the last strip ever to come out of the brilliant mind of Bill Watterson. Can you believe it, at the age of 6!I'll miss the little kiddo...not pity him 'cuz he's must be a multibillionaire :D These two are the strips that symbolize the birth and the death of one of the warmest characters in the history of cartoons...We'll miss them as much as we'll hold them dear in our hearts.

If you never heard of Calvin and Hobbes, you don't know what you are missing. Click here for one of the sites dedicated to them.