UPDATE:10-6-02: Ryan Turned ONE and Tyler turned FOUR in 2003!! They are both growing and changing so much! Check out the pages below to see more about them!

MY DREAM is for my children to be happy and healthy. MY DREAM is to be accepted as a mother, just like any other mother, reguardless of the fact that I am a young mother. I am just a good of a mother as I would have been at 30. Age should not be an issue. Maybe for some... but not for me. MY DREAM is for people to stop putting down teen pregnancy. Sure, most teens don't want to be mothers... but some of us do. MY DREAM is for me not to be part of the teen statistics and looked at as a bad thing, but to be seen for who I am, A WIFE, A MOTHER AND AN ADULT, capable of making my own choices and decisions and capable of being a better mother then most of the other mothers I know. MY DREAM is to be happpy, and for my family to be happy... that is what most mothers dream.... and I am no different.

Here are all my links....... Check them out!!!

All About Me!

The Love of My Life!

Tyler's Birth Story!

Meet Tyler

My Friends In Madison

Where To Find Me!


The Baby's Page!

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See Where I Got These Great Graphics!