
FutureCyn's Links page

A few of my favorite links

For all the Texas Chefs
and all the wannabes from those 'other states'
I highly recommend
Full of great recipes from Bar-B-Que to Mexican to all kinds of desserts! Check it out, you'll be glad you did and you might turn out to be a great TEXAS chef too!

These are my favorite sites to send flowers and cards via email. Most are free, some are not...

MKLS Cards
A wonderful site!...Probably my all time favorite...You design the card with almost infinite possibilities!
Texas Web Post Office
One of my favorites...with music too!
Print Shop LiveMail
Another favorite with music and animation...
Byte-Size Greetings
My first site...With many different occasions and cards...
Q-Pids Cards
For the love-sick, or those hoping to be...
Zia Cards
A great place for cards for and by kids...
Internet Card Central
More cards yet...
Virtual Stuff
Here you can find everything!...even a sandwich to send!...
Toonogram cards...
Electric Cards
Another good site...
Virtual Presents for your special one...
Virtual Flowers to go with the Virtual Presents...
Hunk Cards
For adults only...*smile*...They have Babes and Hunks galore!

These are my favorite HTML help sites. These pages probably could not be possible without the help I've gotten here:

Crash Course on HTML
The absolutely BEST place for the beginner to start!
HTML Resourses
A wonderful place to find editors, icons, JavaScript help, and much, much more!
Lonster's Translator
A VERY cool site!...Shows a huge rainbow display, and all you do is click on it, and it returns the hexidecimal color value of the color you selected...A MUST SEE!
Great Wave and Electron Co
The 216 hexidecimal color guide.
One more hexidecimal color chart.
JavaScript Library
Good place for the beginner interested in learning JavaScript...
Ren's Java
You can just copy and paste most of the JavaScript here...

These are just a handful of the Icon/Image and Sound sites available online, but they are the ones I visit most often when I'm looking for something specific.

Icon Bazaar
The biggest collection of icons, images, and backgrounds that I've found...

Infinet Icons

Animated Icons

Gilbert's Icon Archive


Couch Potato Buttons and Backgrounds

Michael's Home Turf
PowWow and WAV files galore!...
Tons of WAVs here too...

As I said, I owe much of what I've learned about HTML to these sites listed above. Since that time, I've written my own HTML Cheat Sheet, and helped many others learn HTML programming. You are welcomed to check it out by hitting the right arrow below. If you already know HTML, just hit the left arrow.

Don't forget to check out my Favorite Icons...The good, the bad and the ugly...

And last but not least, the Texas Lottery Results...Someday, I know I'm going to find my numbers listed here!

This page is constantly under construction, so check often!...


© 1997, Lubbock, Texas