September 11, 2001


The events of September 11, 2001 were a signal. Post-World War II has been a recent history of US capital interests expanding and having US military and/or CIA power clearing the way, making it safe for them. Accidentally declassified documents such as the State Department’s Policy Planning Statement No. 23 from 1950 stated such disposition, that the USA in order to control the world’s resources needed to “deal” in “straight power terms” (Secretary George Kennan). And if the way was not being paved for specific interests then that power was used to try and squash any movements that tried alternative forms of socio-economic development. The struggle has been enormous. From actual US invasions of certain nations to CIA alteration of non-compliant governments to low-intensity proxy wars (the kinds that make US arms makers the richest in the world), millions of people have been killed, maimed or displaced over those years. The Soviet Union was typically the hobgoblin and pretext for US intervention. But any serious look at history and current events assails that Master Capitalist-induced state of “East-West” vexation. Before the USSR ever existed, the United States was typically intervening in other nations, overthrowing nationalists who did not accept plantation overlords from the North American domain. Now, well after the existence of the Soviet pretext, the United States still removes (or works on) nationalists who do not accept plantation (or oil) overlords. The program managers temporarily settled on the “war on drugs” pretext after the Cold War but now have settled for the more fruitful slate of “war on terrorism” to continue fleecing American taxpayers in order to perpetuate (and increase) the gargantuan corporate welfare program known as “defense spending.” Because of September 11, we Americans can now expect to fork over another $40 billion more in defense spending per year to defend us against high-tech enemies (such as box cutter maniacs). In his farewell address, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about the “military industrial complex,” the very thing which currently consumes $260 billion taxpayer dollars a year.

Oil not only has been the modality of our everyday societal and economic transportation system but as commodity, that status has made it much more precious to the elites. It is a fossil fuel that took millions of years to create as the Earth evolved and man has already used half of that in a mere one hundred years! According to former military doctrinal scientist and Special Forces veteran Stan Goff, oil production is reaching its peak now in the non-OPEC countries. Soon the OPEC nations will reach it and once the decline begins, the clutch drive for total oil mastery by the rulers begins. Scientific American asserts some of Goff’s contention. In 1995, Petroconsultants published World Oil Supply 1930-2050 for industry insiders which asserts that the peak extraction of about now will decline to half by 2025, prices permanently rising. Right now steps for mastery are underway as current events become history. Though oil industry watchers generally do not place high hopes of the Caspian Sea region yielding nearly the amound of black gold that the Middle East does, there is still a lot of it and many pipelines are in place for extraction already. The Russian factor and the Caspian Sea rgion are the big race now as Earth’s oil supply will begin to dwindle in the near future. It can be said the fight to scrape the bottom of the barrel is now intensifying. Understand why US Special Forces, for example, took over former Soviet military bases in Uzbekistan in 1997 ostensibly in preparation for today’s events.

The major structure of finance-based capital is going through a massive upheaval now. Speculative fakery and over-expenditure of venture capital of the ballyhooed economy led to the US recession of 2001. Wall Street in general is going down. Scandals aplenty (variations of “creative accounting”) are going on with the likes of Enron, Worldcom, Johnson & Johnson (whom can you trust to wipe your babies’ butts?), Tyco, Citigroup and others. Economies in other parts of the world tied to finance capital’s practices and concomitant IMF prescriptions are undergoing internal carnage. Argentina, wealthiest and long a model of this neo-liberal economy in Latin America, has seen its bottom go under with its overvalued currency which was caused by fixation to the dollar and servicing of its gargantuan foreign debt as well as other orders of the International Monetary Fund. The once lauded and stable middle class in that nation has basically dissolved into the severely impoverished masses that pick garbage dumps for their livelihood. Big Capitalism has killed honest capitalism and for that, it is going down the drain. It is a setup for desperate upheaval by the desperate worker classes.

There is a possible contagion of these other crisis-wracked nations following the path of Venezuela, electing or emplacing leaders like Hugo Chavez, ones who will finally put the needs of their people above those of the finance and economic cartels. This worries the big money people and their Establishment nannies particularly in the US. That is why even though this new leader in Colombia, Alvaro Uribe, has basically scrapped the legislature and suspended civil rights, declaring martial law, the United States will continue to give him millions of dollars and military aid under the “Plan Colombia” aegis. Uribe is a militaristic fascist and Mother Goose of death squads. His ascent is a sign that things are beginning to get out of control in Colombia with the possibility of the rebels winning and having another Latin American nation take over its own destiny, using revenue to aid its needs not the Wall Street gamers. The United States has close to over 350 military bases all over the world, armed and ready to massacre in defense of transnational capital interest. Quite frankly, people all over the world do not like the presence of US machines and soldiers and (CIA-installed) client-state dictators looming over their lives.

Formulators of policy recognized this unfolding manifold: nations throwing off the IMF shackles, necessity for the last barrels of oil and restive populations reacting en masse to the crumbling of the fake finance economic structure. To gain a freer hand in dealing with the manifold, they needed a dramatic event that would captivate an American populace, never really free of the “Vietnam syndrome,” into flying flags, spying on their neighbors and backing an apparently “no end in sight” imperial global enterprise duubed “war on terrorism.” What was needed was the perfect long-bearded scapegoat, an individual of cinematic and cartoon proportions and one who had once been a concomitant figure in the CIA’s destabilization wars in Soviet-era Afghanistan.

Americans are not particularly well-informed about what goes on in the world beyond what oil, CIA and defense contractor-owned/sponsored media such as Time, CBS, NBC, Newsweek, Washington Post and the like have to say. They are not used to utilizing a historical context in consuming the junk food equivalent (but slick, color-packaged) journalism in these media. Americans are too concerned about state lotteries, bigger SUVs, McDonald’s, “reality tv” and Who Wants to be a Millionaire. That is why it was relatively easy for the PSYOPS people in the netherverse of the “national security” agencies to prep the American populace for September 11, 2001. That is exactly why it was fairly smooth to get over some low-tech Saudi exile living in caves a “wanting to take freedom away” from Americans. “The Muslims are out to get you” is the context to replace the old commies theme. In reality, there is not much that “imperialist Islamists” have to gain by waging a hopeless war against the full might of the United States of America (simply for the sake of dominating it?). But there is much for the rulers of American governance and capital to gain by fighting against a world that they are slowly losing control of. People in the Third World have certainly suffered at the hands of the US military. We Americans, though, have never had to suffer from continual air strikes or martial law at the guns of Islamic troops in our own Fruited Plain.

Somewhere in the recesses of US planning rooms and suites, the 9/11 strikes were germinated. It shall never be known just who the actual perpetrators were but the wealth of information certainly proves that some low-tech Arab hillbilly (who has to read days or weeks-old newspapers to catch up on events) previously camped out in the almost impenetrable mountains of Afghanistan did not mastermind a highly complex and sophisticated operation:

-We are asked to believe that teams of maniac Muslims armed with box cutters were able to overpower four big Boeings with roughly 70 passengers apiece and full flight crews…… about the same time. What is interesting is that the passenger manifests had no Arab names. And with that in mind, who let these Saudis and Egyptians on in three major US airports?

-We are asked to believe that these failed Muslim pilots who could not even learn to fly Cessnas somehow pulled off Top Gun 5 to 7 g turns (a feat that is attributed to ace fighter jet pilots) with these Boeings………far exceeding the Boeing’s manual software limit of no more than 1.5 gs! But then it was not humans rendering the cockpit but rather the installed Global Hawk remote control technology developed by Northrop Grumman. The Boeings in remote control mode can certainly go beyond 1.5 gs but not in manual mode. Those planes were remote-controlled into their targets.

Boeings are fitted with remote control technology. So the next time you fly, don't worry about suspicious looking people of Middle Eastern descent. Keep in mind that the US State Department tells us to be alert for "more terrorist" attacks. So when the US Establishment feels that Americans' enthusiasm for war begins to wane and another dramatic act is needed, say another boxcutter plane crash into Disney World or the Golden Gate Bridge or something is needed to get us back into the war frenzy..........understand why the German airline Lufthansa replaced the flight control boards on its American aircraft.

-We are asked to believe that Osama bin Oswald had the ability to paralyze the entire protocol and command structure of US air defenses. The FAA people for some strange reason waited 20 minutes to notify NORAD even after hijackings were established (but other air controllers were notified at the time). Flight 77 for some strange reason had the privilege to be “lost” for almost over an hour (after Flight 11 crashed into the North WTC tower at 8:45 am) even though hijacking alert was confirmed at about 8:20 am on September 11, 2001. Flight 77 apparently had the privilege to turn back and fly unmolested all the way to the Pentagon and crash into it at 9:40. “Transponders turned off.” It’s a cute angle but military and common radar can STILL track airliners with “transponders turned off.”

-We are asked to believe Mass Corporate Media fairy tales of a passport belonging to a terrorist being found near the rubble of the WTC somehow surviving the inferno when black boxes could not. We are asked to believe the FBI somehow collected DNA evidence at the WTC rubble (despite the humongous barbecue that occurred).

-We are asked to believe in Osama bin Oswald video confessions. It’s strange. “Osama” said on the tape that he “knew of the attack 5 days in advance” while the FBI said the attacks took “years” to prepare. It is also strange how this tape was recorded in Kandahar and then found in another town just a week later in (hostile to Arabs) Jalalabad (at a speed that would make FedEx envious in Afghanistan which was being bombed night and day in November 2001). What’s even stranger is why “Osama” (and his al-Qaeda gang) was described by FBI Director Robert Mueller as being careful…..even would allow such a confession to be taped in the first place!

Also on the CIA's crafted tape of Osama, he said that his hijackers did not know they were about to die. Interesting how the "terrorists" on board allowed passengers to make "cell phone" calls because they were "all going to die" and how they also left "suicide notes" in rental cars at the airport!

-We are asked to believe in cell phone calls made when airplanes going at nearly 500 plus mph will simply make it extremely difficult for cell towers to make a connection and at that speed, the airplane will already have flown out of the range of a targeted tower. Notice how practically only Barbara Olson was the only person to have supposedly made a phone call from Flight 77. What is also interesting is how her husband, Solicitor General Ted Olson, said she made a "collect call" from one of the airplane seat phones since "she apparently didn't have her purse" (cell phone). The interesting is that one simply cannot make a "collect call" from one of those phones as it would require a credit card to initiate. Even if Mrs. Olson would have borrowed a credit card, that call would not have been "collect." The cell phone story (and attendant sound effects) was crafted by someone in a CIA PSYOPS room in order to make the unbelievable story of box cutter maniacs successfully hijacking four jetliners at once.

-We are asked to believe that Flight 93 "crashed" when passengers revolted. The fact is plane pieces were found incredibly eight miles from the crash scene and that people on the ground saw the plane blown out of the sky, with pieces already falling (Reuters News, 9/13/01). Possibly the remote control technology malfunctioned and the US plotters really did not need airplane pilots publicly complaining about their aircraft flying out of their control.

-We are asked to believe in President George W. Bush's conviction to get the terrorists and all who "harbor them" when his family and Osama bin Laden's construction company are (or in the case of the bin Ladens, were) major holding interests in the top ten defense contractor, Carlyle Corporation. After September 11, 2001, the bin Laden family was quietly allowed to leave their Virginia home while thousands of ordinary Muslim Americans were detained against their civil rights.

-We are asked to believe in this "war on terror" although the FBI's primary counter-terrorism chief, John O'Reilly, was continually told to back off of his investigations of bin Laden and the al-Qaeda in South Yemen and in February 2001 (when the Bush Administration was in quiet negotiation with the Taliban representative over pipeline deals for Unocal in western Afghanistan) by his superiors. O'Reilly, frustrated by this stonewalling, quit the FBI in July 2001. He took on the job as head of WTC security at three times his FBI salary and was killed on 9/11. What made O'Reilly very dangerous to the Bush Regime is that he was already complaining to two French authors about the stonewalling. Apparently, dead men tell no tales.

-We are asked to believe this "war on terrorism," that although the 9/11 hijackings were allegedly committed by Saudis and Egyptians, the nation of Afghanistan and its primarily non-Arab inhabitants were the ones who were blown to smithereens by US bombs and bullets. But the United States military had plans to invade Afghanistan as late as July 2001 with operations to commence October 2001 "before winter fell." It seems September 11 was just right timing to try and tame a rough land for Unocal pipelines and Caspian Sea projects.

-We are asked to believe that maniacal and dedicated Muslim men about to die for their cause and see Allah in Eternal Paradise committed TWO MORTAL sins against Islam the night before, doing things like engaging in lap dances at strip clubs, binge drinking and leaving behind copies of the Koran at these nudie bars, leaving behind suicide notes written in language that no true Muslim would ever write.

-We are asked to believe that jet fuel fires brought down the WTC towers. Not one, but two. A considerable amount of the 250,000 gallon capacity was already spent flying back from Ohio and Pennsylvania and another appreciable amount was already consumed outside the WTC when the fuel tanks burst (resulting in the fireballs we saw on tv). And where were the acetylene torches and bottle oxygen needed to maintain the 2800 degrees F for over an hour (needed to melt the WTC steel)? Tens of thousands of tons of it! If the jet fuel fires’ temperatures did affect the steel, then the WTC towers should have fallen to the side because the frame would have been turned to taffy first and not the fine dust that you saw on your tv. The manner of collapse when it commenced due to structural damage would not have been the quick 5 to 10 second orderly and total collapse all the way to ground zero. There would have been a pancake effect, as the undamaged stories below would have gradually taken away the force of the fall of the damaged upper stories. This pancake effect would not have resulted in the top portions of the building falling all the way to ground zero. Definitely it would have taken a lot longer than the 5 to 10 seconds we saw on tv for total vertical collapse. But there is one way to get the quick and neat vertical collapse that was shown: controlled demolition. And even the fire engineers are mad that the WTC rubble was cleared away too quickly to allow for a forensics study. To them, the official investigation and reasons of the collapses are a “half-baked farce." (Fire Engineering, January 2002)

Indeed. Look at footage of the towers when they started to collapse. Isn't it strange that the top parts really did fall as if they were on thin air? Again, the engineers who are not paid by officials said this phenomenon is evident of controlled demolition. Van Romero, of the Pentagon-related New Mexico Institute of Technology, where he specializes in demolition initially said that he believed explosives were used. (In that capacity, he was forced to publically change his mind ten days later, or else.)

These basic points are just the tip of the iceberg. But lest we consider much of the dissenting views about September 11, 2001 as nothing more than a mean conspiracy theory we should at least consider what came out of George W. Bush’s own mouth. It is a very interesting Freudian admission:

"'re not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I was in Florida. And my chief of staff, Andy Card -- actually I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said, 'There's one terrible pilot." And I said, 'It must have been a horrible accident.' But I was whisked off there -- I didn't have much time to think about it, and I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my chief who was sitting over here walked in and said, 'A second plane has hit the tower. America's under attack."

CNN, 12/4/01
(As of this writing, the transcript has not been altered or deleted yet.)

So if George saw the first plane fly into the WTC, live on some network, as a “horrible accident,” consider that the regular network LIVE feeds of the WTC tragedy did not begin until after the SECOND plane crash. (Footage of the first place crash was not broadcast on the regular networks until much later. So we must ask ourselves, what network was the President watching to allow him the privilege of witnessing the first plane crash? CIA-TV? DIA Dish? NORAD Network?)

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